Well you know it had to happen eventually… three year olds are primed for this stuff… but we now are definitely living in the world of ‘WHY?’
Mind you it is not a simple one word ‘why?’ which you often just get repeated over and over. At least my girls ask carefully considered whys…and require in depth answers…
“Why are we going to Audrey’s party today?”
– well because it is on today, and don’t you want to go?
– well then that is why!
“Why don’t you like to eat tuna and vegemite sandwiches?”
– well because some people like some foods and others like different food.
“Why do I like tuna and vegemite sandwiches?”
– well do you think they taste good?
– then that is why!
“Why do the chooks poo on the verandah?”
– Well chooks need to poo…. um…. er….
“Why does the baby cow’s milk get put in the shops?”
– because .. well.. because people like to drink it… um… er…
“Why does your red car have wheels?”
– well because all cars have wheels so they can go
“yes but why does YOUR car have wheels?”
– um…. er…. because it does!
“Why does our baby move around in your tummy?”
– um… because it wants to
“why does it want to?”
– er.. because it just does!
“Why are the shows we like not on the TV right now?”
– um… because they just aren’t
I know I have placenta brain but man.. some of these questions are seriously hard to answer!
Hehe, oh yeah, some of those questions are hard to answer! I love the brains of children!
Urgh, I so hear you on this one Kate. Why do you have your shoes on? Why do you have your shoes off? Why are you wearing lipstick? Why are you having a shower? Why are you dirty? Why is Nanny coming?
From me I only have one question..
why are the men in white coats not here for me yet!?!
HAHAHA that is hilarious we are both pissing ourselves laughing here I am not sure aunt K is finished being sick yet after the sandwiches mention though lol SO glad to see I am not alone with the WHY’s
ROFL hilarious!!
I have a son named why and a daughter named again ;)
HAHAHAHA! Those are GOOD qs! I’d much prefer that to the generic why LOL!!
giggling madly – I think you’re doing a great impersonation of the mummy-encyclopedia!
lmao don’t you love those questions! and don’t worry, it’s not just the placenta brain that makes them hard to answer lol
LOL… Oh yes, and it hasn’t stopped here yet (I was kind of hoping 4 would be a change, but not yet…) I have been known to yell in frustration “some things just are, okay???”