Wonder how much that job pays?
So we are back online.. sort of. On the old PC which works great but is old, and slow and is missing all my goodies and has THE oldest version of MSN messenger I have ever seen LOL! Still back online and will slowly sort it all out as we go.
So the other day at my parents place the girls were playing a puzzle game where you match the professional to their tools. We were explaining to Izzy what an ‘architect’ was and she seemed quite taken with the idea saying;
“When I am grown bigger I am going to be an architect!”
And not to be left out Zoe chimed in with…
“Yeah and I am going to be a frog!”
Thanks for the laugh!
im with zoe, when i grow up, i wanna be a frog too..
LOL, sounds good :) (altho a little dangerous based on the number splatted on the roads around here…)
LOL – you must be so proud that one day your girls will grow up to be an architect and a frog!
Damien & I had a good chuckle.
I love all the anecdotes you share with us!!