Wordless Wednesday – Cut, Paste, Repeat.

Give them a pile of magazines, some scissors and a glue stick and they’re happy for hours.

cut and paste

Give the baby a magazine to eat and he’s happy to join them for at least five minutes.

Join in with (almost) Wordless Wednesday at My Little Drummer Boys. Trish will forgive you if you can’t be totally wordless!

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    1. What a great idea! I am going to try this tomorrow. I just cleaned out my magazine collection so have plenty of mags for them to play with that are sitting in the recyling pile

    2. lol… love that last bit!
      I’d forgotten that about babies (how, I don’t know)

      Looks like you have a pretty good collection of old magazines at your house :D
      I can’t bring myself to cut mine up, so I got some old ones from the local op shop for cutting!

    3. So cute! I laughed so hard one day when my boy very seriously said, “Mommy, I want to go crazy with some scissors and paper.”