Wordless Wednesday – VIBeS Babies!

We’ve spent the day doing our part for premature baby and infant brain research. Our girls were involved in this research program when they were tiny babies in the NICU and we’ve visited several times over the years. In the above photo they are a year old and wearing their VIBeS t-shirts proudly!

Playing Wordless Wednesday with My Little Drummer Boys… lucky the lovely Trish doesn’t mind if I’m not exactly wordless!

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    1. They were (still are) adorable . MY boys are part of a research longitudinal study too … I bet they appreciate your involvement.
      happy WW !

      1. All my kids have LOVED the wheelie bugs – we just got one out of storage for our littlest (just turned one). They have lasted for 7 years with LOTS of use and still look good as new.
        Ours are the small ones because our girls were very small when they got them (for their first birthdays) and it was one of the few ride on toys we could get small enough for them to use. But even my middle boy who is a bigg’un rode and loved the bug bike!
        They are definitely inside toys though as I suspect their castor wheels would get full of stuff and stop working outside… but we did buy ours 7 years ago so the design may have changed since then