Wouldn’t you know it!
Ok so we trekked over to Ikea today to buy the girls a bed each.
That is no mean feat now that we live where we live. It is a pretty decent trip with no direct route to get into Richmond, but worth it since it was the only bed I’d seen that I even remotely liked, and it was a decent price.
So we get there, and have to walk through the WHOLE store before we get to the bed section. Cunning plan really as both Ikea and poor Si know I struggle to resist the lure of all the goodies in that place. I walk through all the perfectly layed out and matching little rooms and suddenly think that my life could be as neat and tidy and organised and groovy as all this if I only spent a small fortune and bought the whole damn place!
Anyway we get to the bed section and look at the single beds. Si likes the one with the trundle but I am not impressed… it’s just white melamine and very boxy and boring. So I drag him to the kids section and show him the toddler bed (see two posts down) which at first he thinks is silly because it is so small. Well der! It extends Einstein! Then he decides it is pretty cool and it is a very decent price ($199 all up with the slats).
Ofcourse then I am a bit iffy because it is very low, since it is a toddler bed. There is no way the trundle we have will fit under it, probably even the mattress on it’s own won’t fit under it, but Si convinces me he can easily raise the legs up a bit to fit everything. Then I worry that the full size regular mattresses we have will look funny as they are a LOT higher than the toddler bed mattress on the display bed, but then we look at other beds with higher mattresses and I decide it will be ok.
Great! A decisions is made!
We eat (Swedish meatballs ofcourse) , the girls play for a while, and then we walk through the rest of the store. I drool again but restrain myself and only buy a set of two wooden chopping boards for $6.95 (since I broke our old one in a fit of rage!) a pack of cardboard magazine boxes for $5.95 (need to organise this space!) and a spotty mouse mat for $1 (because for some reason my optical mouse doesn’t like the dark navy of my desk top!).
We get to the flat pack pick up area and find the aisle for the bed, find the slats, find a trolley to put it all on and then get to the space where the beds should be. No beds. Just a sign that says ‘temporarily over sold’
Not fair! Not fair!
Do these people not know how hard it was for me to drag my unwilling husband in his big truck with my two toddlers over to Ikea? Do they not grasp how tempting their damn store is and how much restraint I have to show to walk directly to the bed section without stopping? Do they not realise how incredibly bad I am at making decisions like this… how Si couldn’t believe I didn’t want to ‘go home and think about it’ like I usually do?!? Do they not know that every damn thing I have finally made a decision to purchase in the past few weeks (scanner, graphics tablet, two identical pairs of sandals for the girls) has not been ‘in stock’????
Perhaps the world just can’t cope with my sudden bout of decisiveness??
So anyway, ‘they’ ‘say’ they will be in stock ‘early feb’… to which I reply “oh next week!” and the very helpful sales person says “oh no probably not that soon” …. “so you mean mid Feb then?” … “well the computer says early Feb, but I’d call first if I were you.” Poor guy he just wasn’t ready for my disappointment!
But anyway at least the decision is made (unless I change my mind between now and ‘early feb’) and now Si can go on his own and pick them up when they come in, and we’ll just continue you on as is and hope that Zoe doesn’t really decide she has to ‘sleep there’ before the magical ‘early feb’ moment comes around.
But to end on a good note… we went to the zoo on our way home. We did the usual requests of the girls first… monkeys, hippo (Zoe loves the pygmy hippo and it seems the hippo loves her just as much as it ALWAYS comes up to the glass, nose to nose with her, when we arrive) and errrfant (elephant).
We usually have bad luck with the elephants and get there just as they are being moved from one enclosure to the other, so we see them walk past the gates but that is about it. Today though, we found them at the very back enclosure and no one was at the first viewing area we got to.. there was a bit of shade and although the elephants were way on the other side we propped the girls sitting on top of a post each for a quick look. No sooner had we got comfy when a keeper arrived with a bucket of watermelon to feed the elephants, less than a metre from us! Both elephants came over really close, splashed in the pool, ate watermelon and then demanded more with a few cheeky tricks to get at the bucket… all right in front of us. The girls were wrapped, I think mostly because ‘errfants eat watermelon like Izzy!’
oh you’ve just convinced me to renew my fotz pass :)
bummer about the beds, hope they are in ASAP!
Oh too bad about the beds! i know how hard it is to come to a decision, then to have that let down of thewre being none, after all the hard work decididing! (hmm does that make any sense? bran to fried in the heat to think coherently!) I relaly want one of those kids beds raided off the floor that you can store stuff under for Liam’s -but they are like $500! :-o
Oh I love reading your posts! Bugga about the beds…let’s hope it really is ‘early Feb’.
I am so dying to take Trent to the zoo…sounds like you had a great day!
LOL, don’t you know Ikea’s marketing plan is to make you believe you NEED their products to create order in your home!!! Evil Swedish people dangling their meatballs at you like so many carrots then making you traipse through their entire store to get to the check out, tricksy little Swedish people with their sing song voices!!!