Free Christmas Print and Fold Pillow Boxes.

print and fold pillow boxes

Have you wrapped all your presents yet?

No, me either… in fact I haven’t actually bought them all yet!

But I am slowly starting to get organised on the present front and I’ve created these easy print and fold pillow boxes so that I can wrap any odd shaped gifts easily. And of course, I’m sharing them with you too.

pillow boxes

Download the multipage pdf file which includes four different patterned pillow box templates. Cut around the outside of the box, then score along all the internal dotted lines. I used a bowl to help me score the curved lines because my hands are not very steady! Then fold along your scored lines, tape or glue the tab at the long side of the box and fold the ends in. Done! Now you can wrap even the oddest shaped item.

print and fold pillow boxes

You can download the pillow boxes pdf file here.

I will be sharing more Christmas printables over the next few weeks and you can find all the printables from last year here.

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    1. Any suggestions on what paper to use that will go through the printer? I was thinking of printing on regular paper then using mod podge or rubber cement to adhere it some bristol board i have that works well with scoring.

      1. Because I have a Canon printer I used Canon matte photo paper to print the pillow boxes. It not super thick card but it scores and folds well and is easy to come by.

        You could use regular glossy photo paper but be careful when you score it as the surface print comes off quite easily.

        I’ve also printed similar things on plain paper and then glued the paper onto recycled cereal boxes, that is a bit more fiddly but it works well and is cheap :)