What would you do with a free $50?
We got a coles (supermarket) gift card worth $50 and I can’t decide what to do with it.
Spend it on every day groceries and save the money we would have spent?
Splash out a little and buy food and groceries we can’t normally afford?
Splash out a lot and buy stuff for a fancy roast dinner with really fattening desert?
Spend on party stuff for Muski’s birthday?
Spend it on petrol?…. not that $50 would even come close to filling the Big Whit Van….
Hmmm…I’d fantasize about that fancy dinner and fattening dessert but I’d probably spend it on regular groceries. I’m too practical like that. Have fun with it!
My hubby would spend it on every day stuff I’m sure.
I’d either splash out on dinner, or use it for the birthday party…
It’ll all even out in the end no matter what you do LOL!
As it’s a gift card, I’d use it for something special, not something everyday.
How are the birthday plans going?
I’d spend it on special items. I got one shortly before Christmas last year and used on buying special things for Christmas.
I would save the money but that is just who I am!
I think you can buy on diaper if you kids are wearing one. Maybe food like food can or frozen food?
I’d spend it on a big stash of stuff I always run out of… flours, sugars, tinned fruit and veggies, cereals… so that we wouldn’t run out again, at least for a while.
What was the original intention of the gift card? Was it given to you by someone or a bonus from something?
If it’s purely a bonus, I think I’d splash out on something you might not normally buy. I have a $20 one from flybuys that I’m planning to use that for (if I ever remember to take it with me to Coles lol).
Isn’t it amazing how much $50 sounds until you start to try and choose what to spend it on? There are always more ways to spend it than $$ to go around. :)
congratulations on your windfall – $50 should buy both slap up roast dinner and a few treats for Muski’s birthday. Definitely not ordinary groceries – have some fun working out with twinadoes how far $50 goes !
I think I would buy a yummy roast dinner that you haven’t thought about having for a while and also things for Muski’s birthday. I am sure you can make it go a fair way.
Kate, don’t tell me Muski is already nearly one??? I think I have been sleeping for a year :-)
How fun to get acquainted with a new friend “across the pond”! We’re in the U.S. — Kansas to be exact.
I was looking over your site, and think you should spend the $50 to try out some new recipes that you were talking about under your “food” category! (things that might not normally be on your typical shopping list)
Splurge just a little! God bless.
I would………..spend on party stuff for Muski’s birthday?
That way you are still using it for something ‘special’ but being practical too because you would buy it anyway? :-)
or just splurge – buy some DVDs for the family! :-)
splash out.
splashing out occasionally is good for the soul ;)
Definitely splash out on something special… some gourmet icecream springs to mind… mmm icecream.
A roast sounds good too, can i come for dinner?
Hmmm that’s a hard one, just spend it on something you all get to enjoy, don’t spend it on petrol or groceries, it’s a a windfall, be frivolous!
Splash out young Kate – on delicious morsels for your tummy, If you can’t manage to splash out with it – send it to me – I’ll happily do some splashing!