Adventures in Cooking From Scratch – Things I want to try.

It’s a holiday Monday here today, and that’s my excuse for this lazy post. That, and the fact that the last two ‘from scratch’ items I’ve cooked haven’t quite worked out the way I wanted, so I don’t have any perfect results or recipes of my own to share today.

So instead I am sharing a few links to other people’s perfect recipes, things I’d like to try and cook from scratch…

After the big win with our home made taco seasoning I’m inspired by this list of home-made spice blends compiled by Simple Bites.

Have you ever made your own pasta? I am really keen to get myself a pasta machine and try it, but I am trying to wait until we have our new kitchen but maybe I can’t wait that long…

While I cook most of our sweet biscuits and cookies I’ve never tried to make a savoury biscuit or cracker, and we eat a lot of them so I really should give it a go. This basic cracker recipe is worth a try and even these home-made parmesan crackers look simple enough

I have a long standing love affair with mayonnaise… but it’s always seemed like such a hard thing to master, but this recipe for speedy mayo from Our Wee Farm makes it look easy… well sort of.

I’ve had a hankering to make cheese ever since I read this post at Frills in the Hills, and one day, gosh darn it, I’m actually going to do it!

Is there anything you’d like to give a go? Any recipes you’ve been saving for a moment of sanity so you can try them?

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    1. Making your own pasta is easy if you have a pasta maker and they’re not that expensive now either. Perfect way to get rid of excess eggs :) Tried making my own mayo twice now with out any success… can still taste the last batch *shudder*. And yes, I’m sure everyone will tell me how easy it is. Good luck with your cooking adventures!

    2. Love your links and your thinking behind cooking from scratch…such satisfaction when you can get it right isn’t there?
      I love making pasta but to be honest i think it is just as easy without the pasta machine….mine usually just collects dust on the shelf unfortunately!!

    3. Hey Kate,

      yes, we frequently cook from scratch: pasta, savoury biscuits, mayonnaise, yoghurt…

      a suggestion with the pasta – before you commit to buying an expensive pasta maker (because the cheap ones’ crank handles just snap or they don’t attach to the bench properly), its easy to play around and make it without the roller. Not quite the same silky smoothness, but still damn good. I think the best things to make without the pasta maker are: 1. ravioli – you can just roll it out flat with a rolling pin and then add fillings and make big ones. 2. lasagne – because the sheets are flat and the thickness isn’t as important..

      mmmmm… Yoghurt is my current scratch experiment. Will post results soon.

    4. Love Love LOVE homemade mayonnaise – especially if it’s made with very fresh yolks. Delicious.
      I’ve made most things from scratch for a number of years – but discovered (from necessity – none in the cupboard) mint sauce and also sweet chilli sauce. I’ve had requests from the kids and their friends for both! Apparently it’s better than the bought stuff! Recipes are usually just googled and I find Taste has the easiest ones :)

    5. our boys love making pasta :D they have a ball, such a messy activity. its a MUST, they sometimes pop up at op shops and garage sales (pasta makers that is)..

    6. I love making our own pesto and keeping an ‘on stand by’ jar in the fridge. I can’t have tomatoes so when I cook a pasta sauce or pizza up for the family, I just use my handy jar of pesto and everyone’s happy. I use Stephanie Alexander’s recipe. Sadly I haven’t ventured into actually making the pasta or pizza bases….yet!

    7. Annie made pasta for our dinner last night, it wasn’t ready till after 8pm but it was super tasty. We don’t have a pasta maker so used our marble rolling pin to roll it real flat and sliced it into fettuccine with pizza roller :) yay for invention.