
Each week I am trying to remember something special that happened, something that reminds me to stop wishing my days away.

This week I need to remember…

This moment.

This moment when three siblings sat down together to explore a new book.

No fighting, no name calling, no excluding, no howling.

Just sisters and a brother, sharing their love of books.

What do you need to remember?

Feel free to write your remembering post, or leave a comment telling me your rememberings. There is no rules, no time frames, no official linky…. but if you’d like to join in, please do!

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    1. I need to remember to enjoy every moment with my 18 month old because I can not remember much of this time w my oldest who is now 12 years old. I try to slow down and just follow the kids lead. Dust bunnies and laundry will always be here but these younger years are flying by too fast.

    2. I need to remember that my kids need me more than my blog does. I also need to remember that we are only in India for a short time. I need to remember to remember these challenging days in the future when I am back in Australia and complaining about stuff. I need to remember to think back to these moments and be thankful that they are over.

    3. aw noice one! Is that book by any chance the fairy find it kinda one? My boy LOVES it! has requested it for his birthday that is a pirate one – so there you go – fairies win in some quarters even despite pirate power!

      1. It is a Monster find it.. think it is call 101 Monsters to find… or something similar? Will have to look for the fairy one as my lot all love fairies!

    4. I pulled in at the service station on the way home from school and mr 10 spotted his older brother walking home – “MUM – can I walk with Joe?” he asked in an excited voice – “sure” came my answer – he literally bounced over to his brother. Ahhh – cool things happen occasionally that make me smile for days on end. That was a bonus :)

    5. That is a lovely photo – I love how they are all engrossed in the book.

      I’m trying to slow down and take notice of those little moments too.

    6. What a great topic, I have certainly been guilty of counting down the hours until my wife returns from work. My moment of the week was probably my 14 month old sons delight at getting kissed in the library. Its happened a few times now but we’re both equally happy each time. keep up the great work!