August Already?

OK so it is August… how did that happen?

Seems like only the other day I was still wondering if our baby would ever be born and now he is almost 6 weeks old!

I think he has gotten super cute this week too. Not that he wasn’t cute right from the beginning.. well in that ‘squashed up head only a mother could love’ kind of way… but now he is even cuter! Yes I am totally biased… and I can also magically see through the spots and scratched face (how the heck do you cut tiny baby nails??), but I defy any of you to see him smile and not agree that he is dead cute!

I took 115 photos of him the other morning.. yep 115…. all almost exactly the same in an attempt to catch a smile. Yep, you guessed it.. didn’t get one photo of him smiling.. not one! So I guess unless you see the smile in person you are just going to have to take my word on the cuteness! He cracks the biggest grins but I have no control over when that happens, despite trying every trick in the book to make it happen. Mind you Laura and I think Leah both managed to catch a smile on their cameras so I live in hope that I might manage it eventually too.

Apart from trying to catch a smile this week has been crazy psycho…and it’s not over yet, but in a good way. It has been so nice to catch up with friends visiting from Katherine…. I love that we could all sit at dinner last night and feel like she had never left! We were missing a friend from the table last night, bad backs are just so horrible and I hope she gets better really soon!

So we’ve been to the museum, Muski and I went out to dinner and today we hit the play centre. The girls have wavered between having a ball to being totally overwhelmed. The museum was good until it came time to go home and there was no toy buying going on… totally set myself up for that by allowing them to choose a small toy from the shop last time we were there, so I tried really hard to be understanding and keep my cool while Zoe lay on the ground in the car park and screamed for 20 minutes. I have to admit I was less than ‘cool’ with the people who walked past to give us dirty looks but better I take out my anger on strangers than my children I guess.

Today was the play centre… I am never sure why I spend $8 per child for the girls to sit at the table and chat rather than actually play on any of the equipment! The place is pretty cool with heaps of big climbing things and tunnel slides and stuff, but it overwhelms the girls I think so they loose all confidence. They get half way up the climbing structure to go down a slide and come across another child and totally freak out. Today Izzy made it all the way to the top of the bouncey slide only to encounter another little girl, she burst into tears and made a hasty retreat telling me that she doesn’t ‘like people’. And Zoe spent a large amount of time sitting on Leah’s lap talking food… which she enjoyed a lot! But still, I got to chat with my friends and the girls always say they have a good time even if I am left wondering!

So the first day of the last month of winter and I have late afternoon sun shining through my window. It is still damn freezing here but I have given my mind over to the fact that it is almost spring so I am convinced it is at least a little warmer, maybe, sometimes. Ah and I have so much I want to do this month!

I have so many design things I want to achieve this month.. I have a pages of ideas scribbled down so I don’t forget and never enough time to sit at photoshop! I have actually be pretty productive on that front since Muski was born, I had a renewed sense of motivation and threw myself into some design tasks and accomplished a lot the past few weeks.. well a lot for me, but still so much more I want to do! I also need to finish off and print out Muski’s thank you cards, as well as finishing off a special present…. never enough time!

I also have to really get my head around the vegie garden. I need to order seeds and need to start planning the spring plantings so we don’t leave anything too late. Actually I should be looking up the Diggers site now!

And I really need to make some time to get the sewing machine out again… specifically to sew some nappies for Muski. I have all the fabric I need to do it, so I can’t really justify spending money on nappies when the only reason I haven’t made them myself is because I lack the time or motivation.

On the motivation front I also need to get moving physically. Having a baby is a miracle diet for me weight wise but it has totally knocked the strength out of me.. literally. If I don’t start to do something about it I think it is going to bite me in the bum big time. I need to work on core strength mainly I think, I have a rather hefty 6 kg (he probably weighs more now as that was almost two weeks ago!) baby to lug around, not to mention the other two who still want to be picked up and cuddled and my back needs some extra strength to manage it!

I have taken to writing a list at the end of each day so I can remember all the things I need to do or want to do the next day. I have never been big on lists as I never achieve half the things on them and figure that will just make me feel bad. But since I lost my brain a long time ago this seems to help me keep track of life. I still don’t achieve half the things I list, but have promised myself not to feel bad about that and just add them to the next days list! LOL

Now that I have bored you all senseless with my random dribble I will go and do a few more of my listed items, like cooking diner! So come on August… lets go!

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    1. Wow I love your blog Kate! What a gorgeous little man you have! Enjoy every precious min with him b/c soon he will be walking. My girls were a little put off at playcentres just like yours & don’t ya just love tandies out in PUBLIC~ NOT! I have tagged you…

    2. I need lists too! I have so many different lists going, but I hardly ever cross something off them LOL! Sometimes I add *things I have already done* to the list just so I can cross them off – sad really huh LOL!

      I also lose my lists… must find the one on “things to do before baby is born” LOL!

      And I love Izzy’s comment that she “doesn’t like people”. Sounds like my DD LOL, she is currently stressing about going to the school disco tomorrow night…

      Can’t wait to see that Muski smile IRL!

    3. ilove lists!! One of today’s great women – Joan Kirner even made lists when she was Premier. At the end of each day she would plan her next day and make a list of calls she needed to make, appointments and things to be done During the day she made a list of things she did do.

      I love Spring – then i feel that way about each season as it strats My dafodils are starting to flower

    4. Loved seeing you guys too :) And finally meeting Muski… Just also wanted to say I used to bite M’s nails while he was feeding.