Baby Play – Peek-a-boo!

Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that are the most fun. Noey still thinks a game of peek-a-boo is the most hysterical thing ever. And we all think his funny little laugh is the most hysterical thing ever. So we spend a lot of time saying this little rhyme…

“Peek-a, Peek-a, Peek-a-boo!
Peek-a, Peek-a, Peek-a-you!”

Joining in with (almost) Wordless Wednesday today with the always lovely My Little Drummer Boys!

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    1. Peek-a-boo is our favourite too! He’ll use anything to hide behind, even if it’s see-through! I still have to pretend I can’t see him till he does the big reveal. Cracks us both up.

      1. ah that makes me smile just reading about it… I guess we are all a sucker for cute little people playing peek-a-boo!

    2. Awwww! Ben hasn’t got the idea of Peek-a-boo yet, but even Will thinks its still funny every now and then! Noey is just adorable!