Things I Know…. About Blogging.

I know that people who didn’t go to Blogopolis probably don’t want to read any more posts about it (feel free to click away now, really, I won’t be offended), and I know that plenty of other people have written way more fabulous posts about the event that I ever could. But I also know that since last weekend’s conference I have been pondering blogging and all it’s ups and downs and in betweens…. and I know you are just dying for me to share it with you… so I am!

I know that blogging is about people. All different kinds of people blog and about all different kinds of things (who knew?) and I find that so fascinating. I wish I had been able to meet more people on the weekend.

I know that bloggers are generous. My small boy wore his Lizosaurus T-shirt with pride the whole day, and my big kids were very impressed with the Planning Queen’s edible tea-cup business cards. But in a more general sense, bloggers are generous with their time and their ideas and with their support.

I know that it’s nice to be in a room full of people who know what a blog is and who don’t think you are some kind of crazed net nerd for having one…. even if really you are!

I know that I am liking that ProBlogger guy more and more. Darren spoke so well and was just such an awesome, down to earth, interesting person….and he showed photos of his kids (a man who openly adores his kids? be still my heart!). It made me want to read everything he’s ever written and go to every event he ever attends!

I know that it’s hard to feel like you are missing out on events, especially when you’re twitter feed is full of certain hash tags. But I also know that kids don’t get sick on purpose and there will be time to join in with the partying when your babies have grown and remembering to enjoy what you have right now is important.

I know that blogging is different things to different people and that is ok. Really it is. It is ok if you blog about one thing or another. It’s ok if you use blogger or wordpress or typepad or something else. It’s ok if you plan to make millions or never want to make a cent. It’s ok if you blog once a day or once a month. None of it matters, as long as it makes you happy.

What do you know? Link up and share with Yay For Home!

{Image by Danimezza via Nuffnang on Flickr}

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    1. I know what you mean about Darren , he was very down to earth and gets that bloggers march to the beat of many different drums.

      Loved this post and I am happy with blogger too. IT was lovely to see you again. I think I am going to have to talk Tiff into a road trip with me.

    2. I so agree with all that. As you know, I couldn’t make it. But I’m so grateful for the tweets and the follow up posts that have all made me feel like I was there. I’ll certainly be at the next event. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
      And I’m so envious of you all getting to hear Darren speak. What a priviledge.

    3. The last paragraph speaks volumes. Love what you have written here.. hit a chord with me :) Plus.. start a post with a scrumptious picture of a bubba.. and you have me hook line and sinker! Loz x

    4. “None of it matters, as long as it makes you happy.”

      So, so true.

      Glad your littlest liked the tee – he looked adorable!

    5. Love that photo! Thanks for the link! I so agree with the sentiments of your post – when asked the question about swapping to wordpress for Eden I really wanted bloggers to know that it isn’t for everyone. It depends what YOU want to do and how YOU want to do it.

    6. What a gorgeous pic!!
      I’m so glad to hear your good opinion of Darren Rowse. I’ve never met him but have just always had the impression that he’s a really genuine guy and I flog his book like crazy to my blogging students telling them this – am glad to hear it’s an impression that stands up to real life scrutiny!

      1. You know I’ve always enjoyed Darren’s blog, his words always seemed so practical and doable and not elitist etc and you know he really is just like that in real life. So refreshing to hear him speak, if you ever get the chance you should definitely do it!

    7. Well said! We all blog because we want to share our thoughts with the world (or a small portion of it!) there are no right or wrong choices, you just have to be happy with the ones YOU choose to make. Just the fact that there are many roads to take and many paths to follow makes me love blogging all the more – thanks for sharing your thoughts!