I Bought you a Llama!

You guys are so hard to shop for!

I was going to get you yet another free printable, but you already have so many of those. Then I thought a crazy video of my kids might be nice (oh my kids were so cute back then), or a slide show of photos from the year? But that’s been done so many times before. Or perhaps I could just send you all a Christmas card… because the idea of sending 100 000 odd Christmas cards all over the world was not in the least bit overwhelming!

See! You are so hard to shop for!

In the end I decided to go with something really useful, so I bought you a llama.

I bought you a llama!

You’ll probably be relieved to know that the llama is not actually coming to live at your house, it’s going to live with a family where it will help carry water, food and firewood, as well as being a source of wool and protein.

It’s my way of saying thank you.

Thank you to everyone who reads my blog.
Thank you to those who leave comments, or send emails, or share photos.
Thank you to those who follow me on facebook (we made 50 000 followers on my page yesterday! woohoo!) and twitter and instagram and pinterest.
Thank you to those businesses who work with me on my blog and help me support my family.
Thank you to my blogging friends who are always such a great support.
Thank you to my friends and family who put up with my crazy blogging obsession even when they don’t really understand it.

And just thank you…

I’m taking some time to enjoy my family over our summer break, so I’ll be posting a little less than usual here over the next week or two, but you’ll still find me over on my facebook page and I can’t stay away from pinterest either!

I hope you all have a happy and peaceful holiday season and that 2015 is a tear of fabulousness!

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    1. You just made me cry. What a wonderful end of the year on a wonderful thoughtful blog. You are an amazing woman. Thank you for everything you do.