Fruity Oaty Breakfast Muffins

My middle boy starts school on Wednesday. He is ready and oh so excited about it all, except for one thing. He doesn’t do mornings.

He is five going on fifteen when it comes to getting up in the mornings.
“Just five more minutes… pleeaasse’ he moans as he throws the covers back over his head and refuses to get out of bed.

Getting him out of bed in time for school every day of the week is not going to be easy, neither is getting him to eat something for breakfast.

So I’ve been trying to nut out a list of breakfast foods that might tempt him out of bed to eat, and food that could be consumed quickly and easily in the car on the way to school as I suspect that will happen often this year! And I think I may have stumbled across the answer… Oaty Breakfast Muffins!

breakfast muffons

I first discovered this recipe at Ambitious Kitchen that uses oats in stead of flour via pinterest and was intrigued by the simple idea of whizzing up oats in the food processor to make flour. Oat flour is high fibre and protein and I figured if I could make these into muffins they may just fill up my non-breakfast-eater until fruit time at school.

oat flour

And so began the great oaty breakfast muffin cooking experiment… and I am sharing the resulting recipe with you!


Breakfast Muffins
Serves: 12-16
  • 2.5 cups oats (any kind)
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup of honey or 3/4 cup brown sugar, or sweetener of choice
  • 1 cup plain yogurt or milk of any kind
  • 3/4 cup of stewed apples or 2 ripe bananas
  • frozen raspberries or other fruit or choc chips
  1. Preheat your oven to approx 180 degrees C. Use a well greased muffin pans and/or large muffin/cupcake liners. If you use lots of fruit these mat stick to the paper liners so you may want to use silicone or foil or give them a quick squirt of cooking oil first.
  2. Dump the oats into your food processor and whiz them up until they become a coarse flour. This may take a while, especially if you have an ancient food processor like I do. Add the baking powder and whiz that into the oat flour.
  3. In a large bowl combine the honey/sugar and eggs and mix well. Add the oat flour to the bowl and mix gently adding a little of the yoghurt or milk as you go. Lastly stir through the apple or banana and add your berries etc.
  4. Fill your muffin liners almost to the top as these won’t rise very much and pop them in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until a skewer poked in the middle comes out clean.



As an added bonus not only are these muffins wheat free, they also have no oil in them and are easy to make sugar free and/or dairy free.

You can easily vary the flavours by adding to or changing the recipe. We made chocolate ones by adding two table spoons of cocoa to the recipe with banana and they were delicious! You can also exchange some of the oat flour for self raising flour (reduce the baking soda a little) if you’d like them to be lighter, or if you think you’ll need to ease your kids into the idea of oats, but these really are surprisingly moist and not all that oaty so you may find you don’t need to worry.

Do you have a non-breakfast-eater? What do you feed them in the mornings?

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    1. Hi, just wondering if this is American measurements? I’m in Australia & these always need more than the double the cooking time, is there any chance of getting gram measurements? Thankyou :)