Come Back Five!


So we are right in the thick of six now.

Izzy got up Saturday morning (the day after the birthday), after not much sleep the night before and proceeded to be horrible. I asked her what was up. Her reply…

“This is just how six is Mamma”.

Oh crap… come back five!!!

And as you can see above, Izzy lost her first tooth last week and now Zoe swears one of her’s is wobbly too. Or it will be wobbly if she has anything to do with it. Goodness knows why Zoe thinks she has to compete, Izzy’s one tiny wobbled out tooth is never going to catch her three smashed out teeth… but still.

Six… please get better.

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    1. …six …wait till 16. Cute pic though.
      I wondered about the missing teeth.

      Our teen’s excuse for everything I’m a teenager this is what teenagers do …grow up will you.