Numbers are big in our house at the moment. The girls are trying to wrap their heads around the whole ‘add and take away’ thing and Muski is busy trying to convince us all that you count “1,2,5,6,11”.
Everyone likes counting songs, and here are a few of our favourites.
Four Golden Autumn Leaves
Four golden autumn leaves
high up in the tree.
(hold four fingers up hight for the leaves)
The wind blows…
The leaves shake…
(shake your fingers)
And one falls down to me.
(gentle fall your hand down like a leaf)
Falling falling falling down,
falling, falling, falling to the ground.
Three golden autumn leaves…
Five Fat Sausages
Five fat sausages
Sizzling in a pan
(hold out your five fingers as the sausages)
sizzle sizzle sizzle sizzle
(rub hands together)
one went BANG!
(clap hands for the bang)
Four fat sausages….etc
Three Jelly Fish
Three jelly fish
Three jelly fish
Three Jelly fiiiish sitting on a rock.
One jumped off!
Weeeeee splash!
Two jelly fish
Two jelly fish
Two jelly fiiiish sitting on a rock.
One jumped off!
Weeeeeee splash!
One jelly fish
One jelly fish
One jelly fiiiish sitting on a rock.
One jumped off!
Weeeeeee splash!
No jelly fish
No jelly fish
No jelly fiiiish sitting on a rock.
One climbed up!
uh ah uh… hooray!
One jelly fish
One jelly fish
One jelly fiiiish sitting on a rock.
One climbed up!
uh ah uh… hooray!
Two jelly fish
Two jelly fish
Two jelly fiiiish sitting on a rock.
One climbed up!
uh ah uh… hooray!
Three jelly fish
Three jelly fish
Three jelly fiiiish sitting on a rock.
Five Current Buns.
Five current buns in a baker’s shop.
(hold up five fingers)
Round and fat, with a cherry on the top.
(make a fist for the bun and pop a pretend cherry on the top)
Along came a girl/boy with a dollar one day,
(Hold up five fingers for the buns and using the name of your child and ask them to come and choose one)
Bought a current bun and took it away.
(put down on finger)
How many is left?
(count and start again)
There are so many more great number songs we know, but perhaps you can teach us a new one??
(the counting frame Izzy is using in the photo came from
SquiggleMum says
Ooh… Four Golden Autumn Leaves is a newie for me. Thanks Kate!!
Trace says
I find this one a bit gruesome… but the boys like it!
Five cheecky monkeys sitting in a tree, teasing Mr Crocodile “You can’t catch me!” (stick thumbs near ears and wave hands)
Along came Mr Crocodile quiet as can be… then SNAP! (make big loud snapping action with arms)
Four cheeky monkeys… etc
One cheeky money….
na na na na na you missed me you missed me!
or SNAP! no more monkeys sitting in a tree (I like the first version better!)