Something horrible happened to me on Saturday night…
It was the middle of the night and I was half asleep in bed (only half asleep because of the tap dancing ‘child within’ and the snoring ‘baldy boy’) when I felt something fall onto my cheek. I brushed whatever it was off my cheek with my hand, thinking it was a lock of hair. But as I flicked it I realized to my horror that it was a millipede.. and worse I had just flicked into the middle of our bed!
I jumped up and threw back the doona and started a systematic sweep of the bed to find the little bugger and get rid of it! Thankfully I managed to flick it onto the floor without any trouble, even in the darkness, but I still had to go through the whole bed (well my side as baldy boy snored through the whole thing) to make sure there were no other ‘visitors’ in there.
Finally satisfied that the bed was clear I tried to go back to sleep… but you know, when your heart is racing and the adrenaline pumping all you can think about is the horror you have just been through and sleep is far far from your mind. Every time I closed my eyes I saw little black millipedes in places they definitely should not be.
What if I hadn’t been half awake.. would I have even noticed the visitor?
What if I had been sleeping on my back, with my mouth open (Ok not a pretty site but I have to admit it does happen on occasion)…. it would have fallen from the wall above me right into my mouth!
So I didn’t go back to sleep for ages just mulling over the revolting little buggers that are invading our house yet again this year. Now most creepy crawlies don’t bother me much. I am a live and let live kind of person… as long as they don’t want to live on ME! But the millipedes are particularly creepy… and they seem to turn up in their thousands at this time of the year.
Granted last year the infestation was worse.. I suspect the dry, warmer weather is holding them back a little this year… but it is obvious they are coming. After the rain on Saturday they were heading indoors in their hundreds. Usually we just sweep them up and burn them in the fire, try to keep on top of them each day so they don’t get too overwhelming and since we haven’t been able to come up with any other way of dealing with the suckers. But now I am thinking about some kind of toxic chemical? I’d happily spray my whole house with highly carcinogenic chemicals if it meant I didn’t have to think about any more 3am visitors in my bed!
Ah the joys of country life!
Nic and Beren says
Oh you are so much braver than me. I would have run screaming from the house never to return, I hate creepy crawlies with a passion!
Lisa says
eeeewwwwww!!!! I get so scared that something is going to crawl into my ear whilst Im asleep and lay eggs in there :) You just never know!
Penelope says
I had that happen to me yesterday, I was dozing on the bed when I felt something on my arm…a big spider! Ergh…
Bin says
I thoughts you were going to say it was a poisonous spider or something. I miss millipedes – we had them everywhere when I was a kid and they were cute :) They smell funny though…
ksharonk says
Oh oh oh … yet another REALLY good reason to live in the big baaaad city … rotflol! No millipedes here, but I’m gonna check my bed tonight, just in case! ;)
Rae says
Oh no!!!!!
I was having a shower last week and went to reach for the soap when a spider the size of my palm just free fell from the air onto me!
Angela says
Oh Kate, you have so made my day!! lol… I SO understand where you are coming from. When we still lived in Toolangi we had an infestation of them too! Must have been about this time of year too as Julieanne was tiny. I remember getting up in the middle of the night to feed her and feeling the crunch of them under my feet!! Uggghh how I hated them!! Glad we haven’t had any here (yet!) touching wood ;).
_Dee_ says
:S :S
anastasia_wolf says
LOL! Now if it had been a spider I would empathise (or a cocky as I HATE them falling on me, has happened exactly the way you describe and I was doing the exact same “what if it had fallen in my mouth?” thing LOL!!) But I’m just gonna giggle at the poor little millipede, I bet he was more scared than you ;).
fazzbech says
Yikes, but I think I’d rather a millipede than a huntsman or something! Hope you get a better night’s rest!
pokettiger says
EEK Egads! My skin is crawling just reading about all these stories of bugs.
Tasra Dawson says
So gross. I hate anything creepy crawly. I would not have been able to fall back asleep!
Brooke - in Oregon says
EWWWW Ok I totally hate creepy crawlie things! I so would have had a screaming fit right there and Believe my DH would not have slept thru that! lol
So you know I am going to have to pull down the covers tonight to check my bed before I crawl in.
So hope you sleep better and crawlie free tonight!