Downhill slide!

Woohoo.. we are on the downhill slide towards a holiday!!!

Yep, we are having a real, honest to goodness, go somewhere nice, visit people we love, fly in a plane holiday!

Well ok only the kids and I are flying in the plane – the Baldy Boy left at the crack of dawn this morning to begin the drive so he can meet us when we get there. Don’t worry though, I am not mental enough (yet) to attempt to fly for two hours on my own with three small children, my Mum is coming with us! We are using my Dad’s frequent flier miles and the Twinadoes are rather excited to be actually going inside a plane instead of just driving past one. (We drive past the airport a lot)

So now that we have the Baldy Boy all packed up and gone I have a few days to do laundry like a mad woman, pack for the rest of us, tidy up this pig sty of a house, organise our house sitter and chicken feeder, get the girls to and from kinder twice (including Grandparents day tomorrow) and generally try not to forget anything in the mayhem. So if I am a tad scarce around here, and around the blogging world in general, you will have to excuse me. For a rare week or two, real life will be getting in the way!

I am not planning to leave my loyal readers totally out in the cold though. While I will not be blogging from our holiday (I don’t have the technology, nor the motivation) I have pre-blogged a few posts that I shall set to publish here and there while we are away, just so you don’t miss me too much.

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    1. Enjoy your holiday. As for your question on my blog about Wet n Wild. The 4 year old would definitely have a great time. My 6 year spent MANY hours in the kids play area. Even the one year old could have a paddle (he/she would be free entry). If your’s kids love the water I’d say it’s well worth it (esp. if it’s a nice day). They can also go in the lazy river and the wave pool. The weather this week has been fantastic – hope it stays this way for you.


    2. Have a wonderful time!!! I’ll look forward to hearing all about it when you return. You know, I have NEVER flown in a large plane (been in a 12 seater once)!

    3. Have a fabulous time Kate! Look forward to ‘the posts your having when your not having a post’ LOL

      I hope the girls love the plane too and can’t wait to see the pics and the layouts when you return too!

      Have fun!