Draw With Me.


“Draw wif me Mamma”


We sat together, just the Small Boy and me. Quietly, away from the big girls.
I covered the table with a BIG sheet of clean clear paper (thank you Ikea for your cheap rolls of paper) and I got out the brand new box of beautiful bees wax crayons the Toy Fairy had given us.

He dumped the crayons out of the box onto the paper.
He picked up each one in turn and told me what colour they were. He got confused because there are two browns.
“No that one is brown… what colour dis one?”
He learnt a new concept, ‘light and dark’, and grasped it quickly labelling the two greens accordingly.

Satisfied that he knew all the colours he picked up a purple crayon and began to draw. He made a short thin line in the middle of the paper, and another and another. He changed to black and made some looping circles over the purple lines.

I sat opposite him making my own marks on the paper. I drew some looping squiggles in red.

“You draw led (red) Mama” he said.

“Yes” I replied “I like the red crayon, it makes good lines.”

“Me have led?” he asked with a little smile. I handed it over and watched him make some light, careful, red squiggles off to the side.

Carefully he selected the orange crayon. “Dis o…o… owange?”
I smile and nodded and he made big orange scribbles across his paper.

Then he was done. Wandering away to find out what the girls were doing. The drawing was over, the quiet moment together had passed.

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    1. Such a lovely quiet moment. Your conversation sounds so much like the ones in our house. And I love those early drawings – the first circles and almost trying to make a picture – so cute :)