Easy Dinners – For Those Days When Cooking Dinner Just Sucks

Everyone in our house is sick.

If I sneeze one more time I am sure my head is going to blow off, so I am not really up for cooking a fancy dinner, or any dinner for that matter.

So what can I feed this lot that will fill them up, be reasonably nutritious and not take too much brain power or energy to prepare?

4 Dinner Super Easy Ideas  - for days when cooking dinner just sucks!

Since I can’t let that guy cook…

Here is my go to list for easy dinners.

Do them whatever way you like best. I like them poached, with a runny yolk oozing all over buttery toast myself, but you could also chuck together a quick omlete with whatever veggies you have on hand. Healthy, nutritious and almost free if you have your own chooks like we do!

Toasted sandwiches
Ah the joy of melting things between bread! The best thing about this easy meal that everyone can have whatever they like best in their toasted sanger so everyone eats it without complaint. Some of our favs include tuna and cheese, leftover taco meat, cheese and tomato, and the all rounder vegemite and cheese! And yes, we like cheese… I’m sick, it’s comfort food!

Ah yes, good old pasta. If I can drag myself into the kitchen to boil water I can usually manage pasta. Stir in a tin of tuna and you’re done. Or boil some eggs, chop them up and add them with a spoon of mayo to the pasta… mmmm, comfort food.

Pita Pizzas

We love homemade pizza around here, but sometimes I just can’t face rolling out dough, and that’s if I have remembered to take some out of the freezer first, as there is no way I am making it from scratch on a day like today. But pizza made on pita bread bases are almost as good… almost.

So it looks like we’ll be eating one of the above meals tonight… well ok, not toasted sandwiches because we don’t have any bread! *Achoo!* Excuse me…. I am off to try not to sneeze into our food while I make it!

What’s on your easy dinner list?

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    1. having expended all my energy today I’m looking for ideas!! It might have to be pasta tonight. My easy dinners?

      Roast chicken – just bung it in the oven. (sadly I don’t have any defrosted tonight).

      quiche – shop bought (bummer just ate the last one the other night).

      baked potatoes – in the microwave – bit of tuna, mayo and sweetcorn or just cheese (that might be a possibility)

    2. Freezer surprise! I often cook double batches of things and through them in the freezer for another time. The suprise comes, when we defrost to work out what it is… I’m not so good with labelling when I put them in there!

    3. Hope you are well again soon Kate. Our quick dinners for sick and emergency days are also eggs or pasta. Sometimes I make pastry squares topped with ham, spinach, cheese and other bits from the fridge. There is usually some home made baked beans in the freezer too.

    4. “That guy” is agonisingly cute :P

      Thanks for the pasta idea. Dinner is usually taken care of around here, but I’m aways open for easy lunch ideas :)

    5. My easy dinners are breakfast-for-dinner (usually pancakes), pasta (we throw cut-up veggies right in with the cooking water) and anything crock-pot related if I’ve had the foresight (I just made a crock pot fajita mixture and it was really good). If I don’t feel like using the stove it’s PB&J or cheese and crackers with fruit and/or veggies.