Everybody Likes Different Things…

Everybody Likes Different Things - how a little made up song taught my kids something important.

Everybody likes different things…
Everybody likes different things…
Everybody likes different things and that’s oooookaaaaay!

My kids roll their eyes as soon as I start singing my made-up song.

I am sure one day their eye balls will pop right out of their heads and roll across the floor, but not today. Today they just shake their heads a little and say “mu-UM!” (that’s Mum #1 from the list ) and “Not this song again!” and “Please! No!”

But I can see them smile while they pretend to be totally offended by my little tune, and I think I can see the idea beginning to sink in, I hope I can.

Everybody likes different things… and that’s ok.

It’s ok to be different.
It’s ok for others to be different.
It’s ok to be friends or siblings with someone who likes something different to you.
It’s ok to be you.

It’s an important message, one I really want my kids to know and believe, for themselves and for others.

A little later this happens…

“Why would she wear that???” one of my girls remarked about a TV presenter’s outfit.
“I dunno… maybe she likes it?” her sister said.
“How can she like that!?!?”

And right on cue she broke into song!
“Everybody likes different things….”

Her sister rolled her eyes just like she does when I sing, but she smiled, just like she does when I sing.

It’s a bad song.
Actually it’s a really terrible song, and I don’t sing it very well either, but it works.

I sing crazy made-up songs quite often. I’ve even been known to sing like an opera singer about flushing the toilet. It’s part of my parenting skill set that I use a lot.

I’m not sure why, perhaps it is the ear-worm syndrome of getting a song stuck in your head, or perhaps it is the sheer silliness of me singing, but whatever it is, singing works.

It changes the tone, it makes my kids laugh (and roll their eyes) and it makes them remember.

My silly song has planted the idea firmly in the back of their minds and the message behind the song pops up when when they question someone’s choices, it pops up when they question their own choices.

It’s ok to be different
It’s ok for others to be different.

It may be the only thing I manage to bore into the heads of my children… and I’m ok with that.

How do you get important messages into your kid’s heads?


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    1. Oh ! Thank you for reminding me …yes singing does work !!!!
      And I would loooooooooooooove to hear you sing this one ..(and the flushing of the toilet one ;) )…Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease pretty please send a mp3 my way :)
      Would love a post about your different songs and little mottos too…
      Your rainbow rules (and ther French translation…) have been decorating the kitchen for a while now :)