Do you know the Five Fat Sausages song? Use these printable puppets and song words poster to sing along with this fun preschool counting song.
If you don’t already know the Five Fat Sausages song you are in for a treat. This very silly counting song is always a hit with toddlers and preschoolers, and even bigger kids. These printable sausages and fry pan can be used as puppets, or for a flannel/felt board, or just as they are. Sing along to this funny song with your kids while they work on lots of language and number skills.
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Every preschooler I have ever taught, and all of my own kids, have just loved this five fat sausages song. It’s definitely a silly nonsense song, but it’s also super fun to make the sizzle noises as you anticipate the explosion, and then of course you get to shout ‘Bang!’ as each sausage pops!
I’m not entirely sure why the sausages in this pan keep exploding, but as each one goes ‘bang!’ the kids need to count up how many sausages are left, and sneakily work on some number skills!
If a pan full of exploding sausages doesn’t encourage your kids to join in with this simple counting song, I don’t know what will!
Five Fat Sausages Song.
There are a few variations of this song and all of them are great, but these are the words I use.
As you sing the song, everyone rubs their hands together for the ‘sizzle sizzle sizzle sizzle’ part and does a big clap for the ‘bang!’
Five Fat Sausages Sizzling in a Pan.
Five fat sausages,
sizzling in a pan.
One went BANG!
Here’s a fun animation we made to show you how we sing this song.
You can sing this song without props, simply use your fingers as the sausages, wiggling them around as they sizzle in the pan. As each one goes bang, put a finger down and count how many sausages are left. But if you are like me and love adding puppets and props to your group activities, then this five fat sausages puppet set is a great addition.
Five Fat Sausages Printable Puppets
To use the five fat sausages puppet set simply print out the sausages and the frying pan, and cut out each item. You can laminate each piece if you like, to help them last longer.
You may choose to add a craft stick to each sausage, and the pan (you might need two for the pan) to turn the whole set into puppets. Then you can have a child stand and hold the pan in front of the group, and other kids hold the sausages in the pan until it is their turn to explode.
This set also works great as a flannel/felt board activity. Add some hook and loop dots to the back of the pan and each sausage so you can attach them to the flannel board. Also add some to the middle of the pan so you can attach each sausage to the pan and take them away as they explode.
Or you can simple use them as they are on any flat surface. This is perfect for a small group or individual activity. Each child in the group can easily add and take away their sausage from the pan as you sing the song together.
This set contains five fat sausages (of course!) and a big pan to cook them in, as well as a song words poster to print and display.
You can download the five fat sausages printable puppet set here.
This printable is an A4 sized pdf file, you will need a pdf reader such as adobe acrobat to open it. If you are printing on US ‘letter sized’ paper be sure to select ‘fit’ or ‘shrink to fit’ from your printer options.
Please remember that the printables at are for personal use only, you may not sell, share, or link directly to these files.
If you have little ones who like counting songs, or story telling, they will love all our other puppet printables.
You can find all our printable puppets here.
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