Halloween Play Dough

Halloween was just something we saw on American TV shows when I was a kid, but these days it’s becoming a lot more common to celebrate Halloween here in Australia.

My kids love anything a bit creepy or scary at the moment, so we’ve been having some fun with some early Halloween activities, Since my boys just love play dough, of course we had to put together a Halloween play dough activity.

Halloween Play Dough Set  with free printable eyes and bones accessories

There are so many fun Halloween items in the shops at the moment which would be great for a Halloween play dough set, but you can probably find quite a few things around the house that are also perfect.

For our Halloween play dough we used:

  • Pipe cleaners
  • wool
  • black cardboard cut into strips
  • beads, sequins and pom poms
  • some plastic fangs (left over from last year’s Friday the 13th party)
  • some glow in the dark bats (also left over from the party)

I also made some fun, spooky, eyes and bones that we printed out, laminated, cut up, and added to our Halloween play dough.

We halved our easy microwave play dough recipe to make small batches of dough in various colours.
We got these bright vibrant colours by using paints to colour the dough instead of food dye.

Halloween Play Dough Set  with free printable eyes and bones accessories

I wasn’t sure what the boys would make with this collection of Halloween goodies, but they were very keen to start creating!

Halloween Play Dough Set  with free printable eyes and bones accessories

The eyes and the fangs were the favourite accessories and soon the table was covered in monsters!

Halloween Play Dough Set  with free printable eyes and bones accessories

If you’d like to set up some Halloween play dough you can download our eyes and bones play dough accessories here.

Halloween Play Dough Set  with free printable eyes and bones accessories

This printable is an A4 sized pdf file, you will need a pdf reader such as adobe acrobat to open it. If you are printing on US ‘letter sized’ paper be sure to select ‘fit’ or ‘shrink to fit’ from your printer options.
Please remember that the printables at picklebums.com are for personal use only, you may not sell, share, or link directly to these files.

Halloween Play Dough Set  with free printable eyes and bones accessories


Once the boys had made a whole heaps of monsters I got out a special surprise…
Halloween play dough mats!

Halloween Play Dough Set  with free printable eyes and bones accessories

You can buy this set of six Halloween play dough mats over in my shop.
There are six different play dough mats in this set, ready to print and play.

Halloween play dough mats

They are on sale at $3.99 for a limited time



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