Have You Got Time?

Are you lucky enough to have time??

“I’m sorry for the wait” she said as she slid my groceries through the checkout.

“Oh that’s ok” I replied vaguely… and I was a little surprised to discover that it really was ok.

I really didn’t care that I had waited a good five minutes in line at the supermarket.

It was such a pleasant revelation to discover that I was not in a hurry that it made me smile.

Sometimes I wonder if we are conditioned to think that waiting is bad. That unless we are served instantly, someone is not doing their job. That everything needs to be now.

And I understand… we are all busy. We all have places to rush off to, and we want to get the mundane things, like grocery shopping, done as quickly and painlessly as possible.

But today… today I didn’t need to rush. Sure I had things to do, but an extra few minutes waiting was no big deal.

Actually it was quite pleasant. Noah and I chatted, and laughed. He had thrown his arms around me from his trolley seat and dragged me in for a big sloppy kiss and a then a loud wet ‘burt’ (raspberry). An older lady walking past had laughed and said how lucky I was.

And right in that moment… I too realised how lucky I was.

So lucky to have food in my trolley, and sloppy kisses, and time.

{Image adapted from this one by elfon}

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    1. This made me smile. I remember when the kiddo was still little enough to ride around in my carrier, and we’d wait in line at the grocery store, I’d recite his favorite books to him…how did that stop? Oh, he got too big for the carrier and too wiggly. But I still sometimes realize that really, we don’t have anywhere we have to be, and how wonderful that is. I want to realize that more often.

    2. What a great moment. I have to admit, as I was reading the top half of your post, I was thinking, yes, it can be quite nice to wait around and just let my mind wander actually – when the kids aren’t there! But then I got to the mention of Noah in the trolley, LOL.

    3. It’s moments like these that are stolen without us even realizing it that I treasure the most. The five minutes in the grocery store line when you get to find out how their day was. Also, one of my personal favorites, when I get stuck in traffic with the kids in the car. Traffic was once a thing of frustration but now it’s the best time for me to catch a quality conversation with my boys. :) I just stumbled across your blog today and I’m hooked! Thanks for sharing!
      Lindsay B. (willwriteforrent.com)