Hey Mr Postman!

I am starting to wonder if our postman isn’t enjoying playing cruel tricks on us… making my life even more difficult than it already is.

My parents have been away on holidays. As is the custom, they sent the girls a postcard each. They did the same thing the last time they went away, sent two separate postcards, one for each of the girls. This time, as with last time, we got both postcards… but on separate days. One arrives and then a day later the other arrives.

The last time this happened my Mum assured me she posted them both on the same day and I am pretty sure that will be the story this time, an I believe her. So why do they arrive a day apart?

Doesn’t the post guy (I am not being sexist our postie really is a guy) realise that if one child gets a postcard the other child must also get a postcard? Haven’t they heard the incredibly pathetic whining and crying that ensues when one child gets something and the other doesn’t? Don’t they know there is only so much whining I can hear before my compassion flies out the window? Don’t they know that it is very hard to sneakily hide one postcard one day AND remember to bring it to the letter box with you the next day and slip it in before anyone looks so that it appears that both children got postcards on the same day?

Hello? Mr Postman …. are you playing us for fools? Do you sit at the end of our street just waiting to see if we are smart enough to avert disaster with the other child’s postcard sitting on the car seat next to you (yes rural posties in our area drive cars) laughing like a maniac? Why oh why?

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    One Comment

    1. This happens with our kids too! It’s not fair.
      You must live in the boonies, like us. I hear the posties are particularly mean in the bush!

      last time, I just held the others until all of the postcards had arrived.