I am thankful for all the things I screw up.

There is always something to be thankful for... today I am thankful for all the ways I screw up.

I stood in the shower with the water cascading over my face and I thought about all the ways I have screwed up today.

I screw up every day, in so many different ways.

From not getting out of bed when I should, to letting emails go unanswered, to losing my cool with the kids.

I screw up a lot.

But tonight, instead of beating myself up over all the ways I fail, I let the guilt drain down the plughole along with the water.

Instead I am thankful.

It feels odd to be thankful for screwing up, but a slight shift in perspective is all it takes.

Tonight I am thankful to have a bed to drag myself out of.
I am thankful to have work contacts that email, and friends who send messages.
I am thankful to have kids who don’t hold it against me when I loose my cool.

And I am thankful to have a family who loves me, no matter how much, or how often, I screw up.

Do you need a little shift in perspective to be thankful instead of guilty?


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