I Dream of Enough
After a long, overwhelming day I sit down on the edge of my bed and cry.
Everything I had hoped to give my children seems tenuous in this moment. All the dreams I had for them are stretched thin on this little thread of worry that I am doing it all wrong.
I take a breath and talk sternly to myself.
“This is just a bad day. Bad days will not ruin your children. In the scheme of things, this bad day was still pretty good.”
And in that moment all my dreams of giving my children everything, come crashing down around me and fall in a heap at my feet.
It seems such a ridiculous thought now…. wanting my kids to have everything.
No one has everything, and in my experience, those that try to get everything are rarely happy.
This ‘everything’ is such a privileged idea.
I’m betting mothers in Syria, or Uganda, or Cambodia don’t worry about this stuff.
Their dreams for their children are not about the unattainable ‘everything’ but about keeping them safe.
So many parents in so many places who’s dreams are so much more simple – clean water, enough food, education, health, safety.
And I sit here in my comfortable house wondering about the dreams I have for my own children, after this bad, but not so terrible, day.
Perhaps it is not ‘everything’ that I wish for my children… but enough.
To have enough.
To be happy enough.
This is my dream for my children, and for all children.
Dreams are the foundation of all hope. Dreams make us believe in the possibilities of tomorrow. – World Vision
Do you have a dream for your children? For the children of the world?
Join World Vision’s #Dreamshare project by sharing your dream. Then share the dreams of others. Let’s believe in our dreams together.
Thanks to World Vision Australia for the image of the family in war torn Syria. You can donate to World Vision’s Syrian Refugee Crisis Appeal here.
And if you have a chance to see the film Girl Rising you should, I have heard it is amazing. The powerful image and quote above is thanks to Girl Rising – pop over and support their facebook page too.
Disclosure: I am a World Vision Australia Blogger Ambassador. I give my time and my blog space freely to support World Visions Australia and other chosen NGOs.
I have met Mothers in other countries who dream that their children will have an opportunity to receive an education and a chance at breaking the poverty cycle over their own lives….when I talk to them I feel that the dreams I carry for my own children are somewhat ridiculous. But then I realize that if I didn’t carry ridiculous dreams for my children then I can’t show them how to carry crazy dreams for their own lives. If I can dream that they will find a purpose to fight for in life, then it encourages them to find a purpose and fight for it…and while I carry that dream for them, I carry a crazy dream for my own life – a dream to see Mothers in other countries dreams come true by providing a way for their children to be educated. Mothers are awesome the world over because they carry in their hearts crazy dreams for their children. Some dream that their children will be doctors, others dream that their child will enter politics and change their nation…it all starts with a dream! Dreams can change the world!
I love this post so much. We sponsor a child through World Vision and it really is such a wonderful charity. In a day and age where children seem to have and want anything, it’s such a stark contrast to witness the horrendous poverty and starvation in developing countries. Good on you for supporting World Vision! xx
Its funny how easy we have it here in Australia, yet we still take so much for granted! I have very simple dreams for my boys – and that is they give from the heart, they are happy and show kindness to others around them.
When they were little and people used to ask me what I wanted them to be when they were older I used to say “I Don’t Care as Long as they are Happy and true to themselves” – that still applies.
I went into Girl Rising, and I believe that the movie is part of something big – its going to be part of something that is going to change how we see the world, and how we help others that are needing it. I think that its going to impact generations to come, and I sure hope more people get to experience the movie. There are many girls that touched my heart, and I am sure they will touch many more hearts.
At the end of the day your Children love you no matter what, you are their Mum and they chose you – you are enough for them and they are enough for you xxx
Beautiful Kate. x
I dream that my children will reach their full potential and I imagine that’s what mothers everywhere dream too. We all face different hurdles to help them get there. x
Oh that is exactly it! You said it perfectly!!!
I saw this the other night:
It was shocking, awful, distressing, and I sat there at times with my hands over my face, in tears, saying thank you for the peace (and health and wealth) we have here. I think most of us have more than enough. We just don’t realise it.
Such a thoughtful and inspiring post….sometimes it’s hard to let go of the ‘everything’ factor but I like your concept of ‘enough’ x