In a Perfect World…

“In a perfect world…”

How often do I write those words here?
How often do I think them?

dishwasher creatures

I am constantly measuring myself, my parenting, my home, my blog, my life, against this unattainable standard of perfection.
I am constantly feeling bad because I don’t quite meet my lofty expectations.
I am constantly wasting time making excuses for why I don’t measure up.
I am constantly waiting for that ‘one day’ when all the pieces will fall into place and my ‘perfect world’ will suddenly appear.

perfectly imperfect footwear

While I am doing those things I am selling myself short, I am not seeing, I am missing out.

Because my world is not perfect and it may never be perfect. But my world is good, very good, just the way it is, right now.

perfectly imperfect house

Perfection is not all it is cracked up to be. There is beauty in the mundane and not quite right. There is magic in every day things. There is joy in mistakes. There is much to be celebrated about imperfection and I’m going to do it!

October is Perfectly Imperfect month here at the Pickle Farm.

perfectly imperfect garden

It seems I often get to this part of the year and suddenly realise that I’ve been stuck in a negative hole and need to dig my way out. For the past few years I’ve celebrated being perfectly imperfect on my blog and lots of lovely bloggers have joined in.

This year is no different. During October I am going to write a series of posts celebrating the imperfections of my life. All the little things, the things that bug me, the things that I wish were a little different, but the things that are wonderful regardless. I want to remind myself just how lucky I am and just how wonderful my life is. I want to remind myself to stop wishing my days away.

Is your life as wonderfully imperfect as mine?

Then feel free to join in and write your own post. I will host a linky round up on the last Monday in October, there are no rules about when or what, post a photo, write a short post or a 5 part essay if you like. The aim is to share your perfectly imperfect moments and celebrate them.

Feel free to grab the banner image…

perfectly imperfect 2011

or this button…

perfectly imperfect 2011 button

Please share this post with friends and bloggers you know that might like to join in. Let’s celebrate being perfectly imperfect together!

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