Things I know about head lice…

Here, for your reading displeasure, is a random list of things I know about head lice….

Plans for a peaceful Thursday evening can be destroyed with one little sentence; “Mum, my head is itchy.”

Where there is one head louse, there is always more.

If your child really, really dislikes having his hair cut, he’ll really, really hate having it combed for nits.

Everyone with kids has a remedy, helpful tip or trick for getting rid of the little buggers.

Everyone with kids has a horror story to share about head lice.

Head lice make me say not nice words, a lot, even on twitter.

I know way more than I’d like to about head lice.

I know your head has been itchy since you read the title to this post.

I’m playing Things I Know with Yay For Home! What do you know?

{Image from wikkimedia}

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    1. In fact, I’m scratching right now, how did you know???? Ah, Head Lice, the bane of my existance. Horrid little mites, and try as I might to avoid it, my girls end up getting them just about every year. And they have ‘Rapunzel’ hair, try coming that :( I even had them once, to my absolute horror :(

    2. Yep, we’ve had the dreaded head lice in our house recently as well. We noticed it AFTER Little Eco had spent a few nights in our bed with a rotten cold. So we ended up having to treat the whole family. Not fun! If she ever gets them again I i’d be so tempted to give her a pixie hair cut.

      Hope you have them under control….

      and yep, scratching..