It’s back!

When the Twinadoes were almost three the ‘Evil Finger of Shame’ made it’s first appearance in our house. There was a period where it was used many times in a day and even patches where Izzy didn’t say anything at all unless it was accompanied by the ‘EFoS’.

For the 6 months or more the EFoS has been in steady decline. It just slowly disapeared, quietly slipped away without anyone really noticing. That is, until…. it came back!

Yesterday while the twinadoes were arguing about dress-ups it returned. Not a small, basic EFoS a full blown double handed, two pointing fingers, raging EFoS with the added emphasis of “I’m not your friend Zoe”, a stalk off and a door slam!

They are only four…. how will I cope when they are 14?

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    1. This made me giggle, although if they are only four I do not know how you will cope when they are fourteen either….*worried face*

      My mother did not so much have the EFOS but a voice that commanded any that heard it to listen……I have noticed myself coming out with the same voice in the kindy…and the kids stop what they are doing (Usually trying to climb a wall, kicking someone or not listening) and look at me…..The other two teachers I work with are amazed…

      My mother did have an EFOS though as well…..I haven`t seen it me yet…

    2. Probably with great difficulty I’d spend my time thinking about when they are 40 and they’ll look after you and you can spoil their kids