No Longer My Claim to Fame

I am well and truly over my Thursday poisoning thank goodness. I am still feeling a bit fuzzy-headed and tired but that is probably because we had visitors yesterday, we hit the local market and festival today (I promised the Tiwnaodes last week so couldn’t disappoint them) and all three kids have yet another cold and haven’t slept well so neither have I. What is worse though is that now I can no longer claim that I ‘never get sick’.

When I first started teaching preschool I got sick. Very sick. My first year teaching I was probably sick more often than I was well, but you expect that when jumping head first into the germy world of 3-5 year olds without much prior exposure. You do, however, build up your immunity to just about every gastro bug out there and a good deal of common colds and general viruses (viri?) as well. So after teaching for ten years, even when everyone else got sick, even when I was cleaning vomit off my shoes at the end of the work day, I still never got sick.

I carried this claim to fame with me after having my own children. Sure I vomited just about every day I was pregnant (both pregnancies – 29 weeks for the twinadoes and a whopping 42.5 weeks of vomit for Muski) but that is different to being ‘sick’. Sure, I spent more time in hospital while pregnant with the girls than I have ever in my whole life, but I wasn’t sick, my babies were, so that doesn’t count either. I have seen everyone else in my family get sick over the years, looked after them, cleaned up after them and managed to stay pretty healthy. The odd sniffle here and there but generally a pretty cast iron constitution. That is until the middle of Thursday night.

We’ve decided it was a bad Italian sausage and I was just unlucky that it was on my plate and not my Dad’s. So really ‘food poisoning’ isn’t really the same as catching a bug is it?… Still, my long reign of ‘un-sickness’ has ended, in pretty spectacular fashion too! I guess they will just have to find something else special about me to write on my tomb stone.

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    1. No, in my opinion your reputation is in tact. Being violently ill with food poisoning is actually a sign of being very healthy because it is your body taking care of you

      I haven’t got my medical degree yet but thats my theory HaHa

      hope this is a good week

    2. Glad to hear you are feeling better… Food poisioning can make you feel terrible…So I am going to say you were sick.. It’s just like the flu just doesn’t last as long…
      Have a good week.

    3. I completely agree your reputation for never getting sick IMO still stands. Food poisoning doesn’t count as getting sick as you haven’ actually caught anything instead eaten something bad! So glad to hear your better though and were able to get the help you needed with the kids.