
There are some thngs you can't know until you do

A wise friend recently reminded me that there are just some things you can’t know until you do.

What things did you have to experience before you really understood them?

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    1. Driving is on the list isn’t it?! I just laugh every time my 8 year old offers to take the wheel and drive us home from school because it’ll be soooo easy mummy :)

      1. Oh it took me forever to learn to drive!
        It cracks me up that my kids all think it is easy… well except one of our girls who had a go at simply steering the tractor in the paddocks and discovered it’s not as easy as it looks!

    2. Only the serious ones come to mind today, but I’m going to go with the difference between parenting and caring for children and how you will react in an emergency.

      1. You can be as serious as you like Catherine :)
        But you are spot on with your idea – you just never know how you will cope when you are actually faced with an emergency.

    3. Depression the real thing not just feeling a little bit unhappy
      Anti-natal/post natal depression – I pride myself on being an empathetic person and friend….but wow it took me to third pregnancy and being admitted to hospital with Anti-natal depression to really understand it.

    4. I think that you cannot know what a school is really like until your kids are in it.

      Similarly you cannot know how a teacher will be for your child until that child is in the classs.

      Learned from bitter experience!

      I also think you cannot know what really goes on inside a marriage unless you’re one of the couple…

      1. And finally: you cannot know how strong the absurd urge to use spit as a cleaning agent can be, until you’re searching in your pockets for that tissue.

        One of the many things I swore I NEVER do as a parent… of course, that was before I had kids!

    5. Grief. In my case, the loss of a parent. I thought I’d been sad before. I thought people who said they had a broken heart were exaggerating.

    6. energy depletion due to an illness which is out of your control
      really I wanted to ask where did you get the little man sitting on the dinosaur I have been looking for these everywhere would love to make up a family of bending creatures and people

      1. The robot actually came from a kids clothing shop here in Australia called Cotton on Kids, but we’ve had it for a long time so I doubt they stock them anymore :)