You Make My Every Day – free printable card and envelope

You Make My Every Day - free printable card with matching envelope

A few years ago one of my girls was stressing about the school mother’s day stall…

What if she couldn’t find anything to buy?
What if I hated the gift she got me?
What if it wasn’t perfect???

I gave her a hug and told her that I would love whatever she bought, and that I didn’t need a gift to know how much she loved me. I told her that I didn’t need gifts, I didn’t need breakfast in bed, and I didn’t need anyone stressing over mothers day.

I told her that I didn’t need a special day to know that my family loved me and appreciated what I do, because they tell me, she tells me, all the time… every day.

She went off to school with her five dollars, and I couldn’t help but wonder what she would buy at the Mother’s Day stall.

That night, when the girls came home, they gave me their Mother’s Day gifts (a perk of not really celebrating Mother’s Day is that you don’t have to wait till Sunday!). There was a heart-shaped chocolate, a face washer folded into a rabbit, and a note pad that said ‘Hannah’s notes’ on it (my name is not Hannah, so this gift was extra special) and there was also a card.

I pulled the card out of the envelope and smiled… My worrisome girl had bought a card that said ‘you make my day’ on the front, and in her wobbly, grade one, handwriting she had written the word ‘every day’ underneath.

We don’t really celebrate Mother’s Day at our house, but that card, was the best ‘not Mother’s Day’ gift I have ever gotten.

That card reminded me, just like I reminded my girl, that it is not just one day of the year that we should thank our mums and tell them how much we love them, it is every day. Any time we remember, any time they do something special, or even not so special, just a little thank you, or a hug, or an ‘I love you’ goes a long way, and I am lucky enough to receive those things every day.

I am not sure where that card is right now. I am pretty sure I saved it, put it somewhere safe, but I can’t actually remember where, so today, in the spirit of that card with the little kid writing on it, today I am sharing a free printable card with a matching envelope.

You Make My Every Day - free printable card with matching envelope

Send it to a friend who makes you happy, leave if on your child’s pillow as a surprise, or give it to your Mum for Mother’s Day… it doesn’t matter when, or where, or to who you say it, just tell someone how special they are, sometime.

You can download the free printable card and envelope here as a 2 page pdf file.

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