Making Maths Real

Making Maths Real - Speilgaben toy review
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I suck at maths.

Hang on, let me rephrase that…

My attitude and confidence regarding maths sucks.

Maths and number and physics type things have never been my thing. I have always regarded myself as having little to no skill in this area and avoided anything that made me test that skill. Even when I was teaching preschool, I found creating interesting and engaging maths and number activities difficult.

My problem stems from my attitude to maths. I am guessing the way it was taught – all paper and pen and rote – when I was in school just didn’t suit me. I just couldn’t wrap my head around it, it just wasn’t real or meaningful to me so I labelled it as too hard and myself as ‘not good enough’.

This is not an attitude I want for my kids, so I am trying hard not to let my loathing of maths creep into my language or behavior, and I’m always on the look out for ways to make maths come alive for my kids.

Maths should be more than just numbers on a page. Maths should be tangible, you should be able to hold maths in your hand, manipulate it, experiment with it, create with it, play with it… and understand it.

For our toddler maths is about matching and sorting, learning shapes, lining things up, beginning to count…

Making Maths Real - Spielgaben toy review

For my five year old maths is about experimenting with shapes, cause and effect, creating, counting in twos and tens, beginning to add and subtract…

Making Maths Real - Spielgaben toy review

For my nine year olds maths is about complex patterns, fractions, relationships, times tables…

Making Maths Real - Spielgaben toy review

My kids were given a box of beautiful Spielgaben toys to play with and explore, and the maths learning has come alive in our house.

Making Maths Real - Spielgaben toy review

And among all the maths and number concepts there is lots of scientific thinking, creating, sharing, working together, language development, fine motor skill, scientific thinking… These are toys that are truly ‘open ended’ and can be used in so many different ways. Watching my kids explore each set has been holistic learning at it’s best.

Making Maths Real - Spielgaben toy review

The Spielgaben set consists of 13 play sets of beautiful high quality, mostly wooden toys and a detailed guide with lots of ideas on how to use each set. Each set can be played with on it’s own or combined with other sets and can be used in so many different ways and by different age groups. It was originally created Friedrich Frobel, a German educator who was the founder of ‘kindergarten’.

Making Maths Real - Spielgaben toy review

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    1. It is truly joyous seeing those picture of your kids learning and playing in such different and engaging ways with the set. The potential is just great and I loved seeing how the older kids are using parts in ways that are beyond my kids currently.

    2. The set looks amazing! So much potential for hours of play and engaging learning experiences. What a brilliant idea. xoxo P