Project April – Done!

Ok so I missed a couple of days, but all I up, I am quite pleased with my commitment to this little project.

I now have a nice little collection of April photos. It’s not like I don’t take a lot of photos every month, but with this project I tried to stop and capture the little things, the small moments, even if they were messy, or not perfect, or ‘nothing special’… and I am pleased about that.

Here are my last five four photos for Project April…

Project April - For those of us too scared or too lazy for Project 365It’s the little things that really make me happy… like seeing the flat rounds of dough puff up and turn golden.

Project April - For those of us too scared or too lazy for Project 365I can fee frost in the air, but at least the strawberry plants are still hopeful.

Project April - For those of us too scared or too lazy for Project 365 It’s such an oxymoron – wanting them to grow up and yet stay little forever.

Project April - For those of us too scared or too lazy for Project 365 56 days. I am not ready.

And with that, April is done and now it is May. Already.

If you are looking for a new photography project you should check out Little Sidekicks. I am so inspired by Rachel’s own photography and this project to encourage our kids to get involved and take their own photos is going to be a hit with my kids.

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