Mm Mmmm Good!

This morning Muski and went out and picked these from our garden!

Yes strawberries from our very own garden! After not a single bloody berry last year this year we have hit the jackpot! Something is eating little holes in them though – anyone know what it might be?

Ironically the Baldy Boy and the girls had been to the strawberry farm with Aunty Jenny and bought home even more juicy delicious strawberries… I will have to eat a lot more though before I can deduce which are better!

The Baldy Boy also bought home this…

He said the girls saw it in the deli and HAD to have it. The label says ‘face meat’, though I query the fact that it is actually meat!

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    1. Face meat, LOL thats a little weird.

      Oh those strawberries look yum ! I’m so jealous, as I somehow killed my plant.

    2. Seriously jealous of those strawberries!! We got some freshly picked ones in Queensland and they were soooo yummy and the ones you can get here taste like flour… I swear they send the dodgiest fruit in the country up here (along with the clothes from 4 seasons ago, but that doesn’t bother me so much, can always mail order those!!)

    3. OMG, Face meat? That is truely scary! Up there with Turkey Dinasaurs and Smiley Face potato “things” that were on every children’s menu in UK.

      The strawberries look fab though!

      But facemeat – seriously, what a worry!