No Sew Creative Clothing.

My girls seem to have grown out of all their shorts all at the same time. Considering that summer is pretty much over here (not that it ever really got started this year) I’m not keen on buying them any new shorts right now. But that left us with a bit of a dilemma on the weekend… until I found the pairs of jeans with the holes in the knees.

“We can make shorts” I announced…
“That’ll take forever” Izzy replied (complete with groan and eye roll for good measure).
“No it won’t” I say, and off I go to find my trust sewing scissors.

Snip Snip and there you have it… two new pairs of shorts!

The girls thought I was a total genius. Who’d have thought chopping off holey jeans could result in something so incredibly cool!

no sew decorated shorts

And just to make sure I was really cool I dug out the packets of fabric markers that a clever (and cool) friend gave the girls for Christmas. They happily added various drawings and designs and then put on their super cool new jeans shorts!

Sometimes even I think I’m cool for thinking of this quick, easy and awesome activity!

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      1. so easy too!
        The fabric pens were given as a gift with a white t-shirt – such a COOL present, I am going to give the same thing to everyone this year!