
After yesterdays post about menu planning and cooking I have a confession to make. I am such a fraud, making out that I am so great in the kitchen, planning and baking and all that. This morning the harsh reality of me and cooking really set in.

I was very pleased with myself. For a start we were all out of bed by 8:30am on a day when we didn’t have to be – just that is amazing on it’s own. I figured I was on a roll and should definitely jump in and start the day right. I needed to cook some apples for Muski and since we didn’t have much snack food I decided I should cook something for the Twinadoes to take to kinder this afternoon. Ok stew some apples, make biscuits, get breakfast, that sounds doable. Then I got cocky – deciding we had nothing of interest for lunch I figured I could wack some bread dough in the machine at the same time. I’m a woman, I can multi task, no problem.

The apples were in the microwave, the dough in the machine, the girls were eating cereal, Muski was eating paper (with some added crayon for extra vitamins), the biscuits were almost ready. Woohoo look at me go! It was all going so well, until things hotted up.

The microwave beeped. I remembered to use a tea towel to get the bowel of hot apples out, but my brain left me when I decided to peel back the cling wrap and have a peak. With a great woosh of steam and a yelp from me I’d steam cleaned the tops of three fingers which were now a lovely shade of pink. OUCH!

While I was hopping about shaking my hand and yelping the oven beeped at me…the biscuits were done. Now you’d think I’d have been extra careful after the steam thing, and I was, truly I was, but the oven mit slipped and the inner surface of my thumb connected with the tray as I took it out of the oven. I think I may have crap pain receptors, or maybe I am just dumb, because it took maybe a second or two for it to register that the feeling I was feeling was my thumb, burning. I’d managed to lift the tray, thumb on fire, half way out of the oven up towards the top of the stove before it sunk in and I promptly dropped the tray of biscuits from a great height. The biscuits crashed down onto the open oven door and I swore… a lot.

Thankfully the biscuits stayed mostly on the tray and we only lost one or two. Thankfully Muski scoffed down some apples with much appreciation. So I guess that makes the fact that I have pink fingers and a blistered thumb all worthwhile, yes? And you know, it is not cooking unless I burn something… the food or me.

The bread machine has just beeped at me, the dough is ready…. I am not worried about getting the dough out of the machine as it comes out just lukewarm…. but I need to cook the bread at ‘bloody hot degrees celsius’ and I will admit I am just a tad scared. Wish me luck

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    1. *giggling madly* even though I shouldn’t!

      You’re right, this post does remind me of me and my cooking escapades! Glad I am not alone! Hope the fingers and thumb heal quickly though!

    2. Oh man! You sound just like me in the kitchen! (Like fazzbech, I had to laugh, too.) I have ruined so many things…I keep thinking that it would be worthwhile to post about them, but I’m kind of embarassed!

      I hope your fingers and thumb get better, soon! Burns are such an awful feeling.

    3. Ow! I’m like that with knives – have cut myself with every one I own, and tried to grate a knuckle off once. Hope they heal quickly!

    4. Ouch – hope you’ve run your assorted burns under lots of cool water

      but you aren’t a fraud……….. how do you think professional chefs end up with teflon hands? From burning themselves of course!