What Should I do with this?
Thinking of starting a new section here at Ye Olde Picklebume Blogge (oops sorry slipped into some weird kind of old English language there for a moment). A “what should I do with this?” section with regular posts looking for wisdom from the wider blogging world. It seems I often have moments when I think ‘what the heck should I/could I do/make with this/these?’ and really who better to ask than you guys. What do you think?
Well regardless of what you really think, and regardless of whether this may be the first, last and only post I am going to do it anyway. Cause it’s my blog, and I can!
I have 100 foolscap sizes plastic pockets, what can I do with them???
You see in my excitement to make a start on my household folder I grabbed the cheapest packer of plastic pockets I saw when last in town thinking that a 100 of these suckers would surely get all my recipes sorted. It’s only now, two weeks later, when I actually decide to make a start on the sorting that I discover that the folder I found top use is a nice A4 size but the plastic pockets are foolscap and too big. They hang out the top and bottom. If it were just the top I’d use them anyway, but hanging out the bottom means the folder won’t sit properly on the shelf and it is just a plastic pocket disaster.
Now they didn’t cost much, so it is not such a big deal to replace them, the question is what do I do with the 100 I can’t use? I can’t just throw them away. It’s not worth the postage price to send them to someone who might need them. But surely there must be some use for them?
Come on people… help me out here!
In other news –
We won the local Toy Library competition – well Zoe did! The girls both coloured an entered the competition at the local festival a few months back and last week we got the call to say Zoe had won a free family subscription to the Toy library! We’d been meaning to become members since we’d moved up here but hadn’t gotten around to it, so this is a great bonus! We went for our first visit today, and after a few minor arguments and a bit of persuasion on my part the girls are now happily fighting over a puzzle, board game, fairy house (with furniture) and wrist ribbons!
I am hoping next week I might be able to sneak a visit without taking the Twinadoes with me – then I will be able to get them some toys that we don’t have and I am pretty sure they will love but that they can’t see for all the princesses and baby dolls which we already have plenty of in our house! I can’t wait! Now if only we can manage not to loose any bits before then!
Heeee, what a week to be grateful for chatting to me! I plum nearly talked your ear off the other night. But thank you, it was great, and very helpful. :)
find or buy a foolscap folder and use it for organising something else?? Girls’ artwork or supplies? Can DH use it for shed stuff?
Use them with a bulldog clip magnet to slip paper you stuff on the fridge into?
freecycle them? :)
Well done Zoe. Something for everyone.
LOL I never understood foolscap..wtf is the point? Hmm..I reckon freecycle as well.
meanwhile, where is this adult party bag link? LOL!