Six Things About Parenting That Make Me Laugh.

6 Things About Parenting that Make me Laigh - It can be easy to miss the humour of parenting. Sometimes it gets lots under the piles of laundry, and the notes from school, but you need to dig out from under the hard stuff, but it's worth it.

Parenting is hard.

It will stretch you to your limits and then some. It is messy, and exhausting, and heartbreaking.
It is also beautiful, and loving, and hard… really really hard.

Parenting can make you yell, and scream, and cry, but it can also makes you laugh.

Among all the tears and exhaustion, all the cleaning and the worrying, parenting is funny.

It can be easy to miss the humour of parenting.
Sometimes it gets lots under the piles of laundry, and the notes from school, but you need to dig out from under the hard stuff, you need to find the funny moments and let them grow.

There is nothing better to repair a battered heart, or revive a tired soul, than a random moment of laughter.

Six Things About Parenting That Make me Laugh.

  1. Kid’s miss-sayings and miss-understandings.
    I am sad that we no longer hear ‘splinkles’ or ‘fiders’, but I am immensely pleased that the word ‘berserk’ (dessert) is now part of our family language and it cracks me up every time Noah insists the game is called ‘chest’ not chess.
  2. Flatulence with perfect timing.
    Yep, I’m a sucker for a well timed fart, I can’t help it.
  3. Singing the wrong words.
    What do you mean the latest Jason Derulo song doesn’t say “I will eat you… I will eat you!” My kids think it does!
  4. Brutal honesty with poor timing.
    My four year old insisted his preschool teachers write that I had grey hair on his mother’s day card “Because she really does you know, she just hides it!”.
  5. Inappropriate Language.
    The other day we were at story time and another Mum was trying to encourage her son to join in and sit on the mat. “Go on… you love stories” she said to him and he replied “No I don’t. I F’ing hate stories!” I know it’s not appropriate, and his mother was mortified, but I just about gagged on my giggles, because this so could have been me!
  6. When they look at you in a weird way.
    Ok this may be exhaustion talking, and maybe it’s just me, but sometimes my kids look at me in this odd way and it makes me laugh till I cry.

There is nothing better  to repair a battered heart,  or revive a tired soul,  than a random moment  of laughter

What do your kids do to make you laugh?

Leave a comment and tell us what funny things your kids do. I’d love to hear how your find the funny moments in parenting.

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      1. My boy’s preschool teacher thought his grey hair comment was hysterical… luckily so did I! LOL

    1. We got to a wedding, and I asked what time it was. My husband told me while unbuckling our 2yo. The child then starts trying to say “clock” like his daddy, but left the “l” out, and started YELLING it… over and over and over… in front of multiple gusts and family members. I was choking on laughter.
      Inappropriate? Yes, but it still cracks me up.

      1. I am SO glad that I am not the only one who finds little kids saying inappropriate things so innocently so funny!!

    2. All of the above! They are so fun/funny. It always makes me laugh when I find selfie photos/videos on my phone from the kids or when mr 3 gets genuinely bothered because the dog can’t play (insert random activity – trains, cricket, cubby building) very well but she will always find him in hide and seek haha

    3. My 3 year old was crossing the bed, lost her footing on a pillow and planted head first into the head board, resulting in a black eye. After we had a talk about being careful and what happens if you’re not, she went around telling people she had to be careful because she didn’t like black guys…