Pompoms, Beads, Grabbers and Perspective.

Pompoms, beads, grabbers and perspective. Choosing to see the positives of simple play.

Perspective is an amazing thing.

The beads all over the floor could be all about a small boy’s joy. They could be half an hour’s peace to get something done without a helper. They could be fine motor skills, and counting, and colour recognition and imagination.

The beads all over the floor could be frustration. They could be a bloody sore foot after stepping on them in bare feet. They could be a tantrum about packing away. They could be 3 minutes of crawling around on the floor picking them up.

The beads and the pompoms, the wooden bowls and the egg cartons, the spoon and the ‘grabbers’… they could be all about learning, or all about mess, or all about fun, or all about peace, or all about frustration. They could be any of those things if I let them.

Pompoms, beads, grabbers and perspective. Choosing to see the positives of simple play.

But today I choose fun.

Today I do not let the tantrum become the focus, and I don’t worry about the fact that he can’t count. Today I let the bright colours make me happy and the smile on my boy’s face wipe away the pain in my foot.

Today I am serving myself up a healthy dose of perspective.

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    1. Yes!!! we mums get to set the tone… giggling is more fun than yelling anyday! – and rainbow colours should always be enjoyed :)