Put Yourself On The List

A while ago, a friend of mine told me about some advice she’d been given.

Someone wise commiserated with her about how hard it is to make time to look after yourself when you already have so many other things to do.

That same wise someone also noticed that she was very good at making lists and making sure she got through everything on her list, and they asked her,

“Do you ever put yourself on the list?”

Cue light bulb moment!

Put yourself on the list - just a couple of things on your to do list that are about taking care of yourself so you can make it a priority. Grab our free weekly planner with a space to add items 'for you' to make it even easier.

Do you ever put yourself on the list?

I never put myself on the list, ever.

I have a ‘to do’ list that just keeps growing.
There are all kinds of things on that list – work things, house things, kid things, dinner things – but there is one thing that is never on my list, me.

I know that looking after myself is important.
I know that it’s important for my own sake, and for the sake of my family.

I know that, but when it comes down to it, it seems I don’t actually believe it.

It seems that my needs are so far from being a priority that they don’t even make it onto the list.

What would happen if I put myself on the list every day?
What would happen if I just picked one or two little things that looked after me, and added them to my ‘to do’ list every day?
What would happen if instead of my phone only buzzing to remind me of appointments and events, it also buzzed to remind me to take care of myself?

I need to put myself on the list.
You need to put yourself on the list too.

It doesn’t take much, just add something to your list every day that is just about you. Something that boosts your health or your happiness. It doesn’t matter how big or small, just add yourself to the list.

I’ve created a simple weekly planner printable with a space specifically ‘for me’.

Put Yourself on the List Weekly Planner - Free printable planner with space to things that look after you as well as all the other stuff

If you’d like to grab a copy you can download the free printable weekly planner here.

This printable is an A4 sized pdf file, you will need a pdf reader such as adobe acrobat to open it. If you are printing on US ‘letter sized’ paper be sure to select ‘fit’ or ‘shrink to fit’ from your printer options.

Please remember that the printables at picklebums.com are for personal use only, you may not sell, share, or link directly to these files.

You might also like my rainbow weekly planner – there is plenty of room to include a ‘for me’ list on this planner too.

What things will you put on the list for yourself today?

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    1. This is a very timely reminder, I’ve just written up my bullet journal page for tomorrow and included 20 minutes to read a book (with no kiddos interrupting me) and some time playing match 3 games on the DS when the kids are in bed. Thanks x

      1. I put ‘game time’ on my list too… it felt so good to give myself permission to zone out with a bit of candy crush instead of feeling guilty about it!

    2. Great post!! Such an important thing to do. I saw a great quote that has stuck with me “Self care is not ‘me first’, it’s ‘me too'”.

    3. if you could see my face right now… yeah, what a damn fine idea. I only ever put myself on ‘the list’ around my birthday (as my birthday present) and feel selfish doing it. I have a couple of doctors appointments I keep putting off and I haven’t had a haircut since MARCH so… yeah. THANKS!

      1. If anyone needs to be put on the list it’s you my dear! So put yourself on the freaking list already… every freaking day!