One of Those Days.

noey sleeping

You know it’s been one of those days when you find the open biscuit container next to the two year old and discover every single biscuit with a bite out of it.

You know it’s been one of those days when you’re standing in a shop waiting to pay for an item and you sneeze and fart very largely and loudly at the same time.

You know it’s been one of those days when your five year old standing next to you declares in a loud voice “Hey Mum, You farted!”… just in case anyone had missed it.

You know it’s been one of those days when think you can just tip toe out to let the chooks out without putting your gumboots on and you stand in a stinky muddy puddle, up to your knee.

You know it’s been one of those days when you are half way through making dinner only to discover you lack an important ingredient.

You know it’s been one of those days when your non-day-sleeping toddler sleeps for 2 hours after lunch and is still up partying at 11pm.

You know it’s been one of those days when you keep repeating to yourself over and over… “tomorrow is another day“.

Have you had one of those days?

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    1. I am in love with this post!
      Your sneeze and fart made me laugh out loud! haha!
      The toddler exclaiming made me snort!! :)
      Oh why oh why is it always, one of those days in motherhood?! Because it wouldn’t be motherhood if it wasn’t! :) x

    2. Ohhh I know the cookie biscuit tin only too well!!

      and got to love farting in public!!!!

      Love this linkup!!!

    3. Hi Kate! I’m right there with you on the whole sneeze-fart thing. I have a post coming up that bribes me to tell my embarrassing story and it’s quite similar ;)

    4. I just love that photo of your toddler. My little girl never goes to sleep anywhere but her bed- so I miss out on seeing these precious little moments. Sorry to hear he was up till 11pm though :(

    5. What a giggle! I have those days all the time. I just need to get a photo of them! I’n those moments I’m not usually thinking Oh, gotta get my camera! :P

    6. I just added my “real-life” post all about poop and preschool (see above).

      What made me laugh MOST was this: “let the chooks out without putting your gumboots”–I’m over here in America and I have NO IDEA what that means! LOLOLOLOL! It makes me wonder what WE say that makes no sense to you guys! :)

      1. Let me translate four you Dawn…

        “let the chickens out without putting my waterproof boots on”…

        chooks = chickens
        gumboots = um I don’t know what you call them in the US, rain boots maybe?

        Thankfully we get a LOT of American TV here so we Aussies can mostly figure out most mainstream American words… but some of the more colloquial words have me lost… but them some of the Aussie country slang has me lost too! LOL

        1. Thanks! Now that nursery rhyme that starts with, “Chook chook chook chook chook, good morning, Mrs. Hen!” finally makes some sense, too! :)

          I guess we call “gumboots” rain boots…or hip boots if you’re REALLY getting mucky.

    7. Thanks for giving me a giggle Kate!!! I am loving this series and finally managed to link something up…hope it is along the lines of what you are looking for though!
      I can identify with all those things you listed…so i don’t feel so bad anymore…hehehe…although i really wish i hadn’t taught the twins ‘fart’…..perhaps not my best parenting moment as one announces it everytime anyone does one now…and i mean anyone!

    8. I like your son’s style- I don’t believe in matching socks, either! Yes- totally had days like yours! But, I am always thankful for more blog material than I can find time to put out. :)