
It was already late when I dragged myself out of bed this morning.

I was tired, it was cold, but there was this moment of stillness and quiet before I walked down the hall to get the big kids out of bed.
I should have relished that moment more than I did…
And then the day began.

Does the relentlessness of parenting get you down sometimes? You are not alone.

Come on…. time to get up, we are already running late.

Mum, I don’t have any clean school pants!
Mum, Is it going to be a warm or a cold day?

I wish I’d reminded you to pack your lunch boxes last night.
Yes I’ll cut you some watermelon.

Please… please get up. You won’t have time to eat if you don’t get up now.

Mum, I can’t find my other shoe!
Mum, I don’t want to wear that.

Is there anything we need on the shopping list?
Yes I’ll get the yoghurt you like, and more tissues, and that cheese.

Do you want a hot cross bun for breakfast? Yes? Then please get out of bed!

Mum, Morgan said I was dumb!
Mum, did you send back the forms for camp?

Did anyone let the chickens out?
No there isn’t time for a fancy hair style today.

Now that you’re up, you really need to get dressed.

Mum, I forgot to put undies on.
Mum, are my shoes on the right feet?

Where is your school jacket?
Don’t forget your library book.

Get your bags, get in the car…

And just when I think we’re going to make it, when I think we’ve survived yet another crazy morning…

The wild wind catches the front door and slams it, right on Noah’s fingers.

Can you get an ice pack.
The rest of you just get in the car.
I know it hurts possum… but let’s get in the car I’ll and have a look.

We make it to school before the bell rings… just.

As my big kids run across the playground to their classrooms, and my small kid wipes his tears and inspects his wound (just bruising thank goodness) I wonder how I survive these mornings, day after day, week after week.

It’s the relentlessness that does my head in some days.
The knowledge that we will do it all again tomorrow, and then again and again.
Sometimes I let it get me down, I let it wear me away a little.
Sometimes all I can see is the relentlessness, and I let that become something bad.

But if I can just see it as an opportunity, rather than a burden…
If I can accept each moment and live it…
If I can notice the little things that are really big things…
If I can take a breath, celebrate each small win, and keep moving…
If I can just appreciate the waves as well as the calm water…

Then it will be ok.
Then I can do it all again tomorrow.

Sometimes it is the relentlessness of parenting that gets you down...  Download this free printable poster to remind you that the little things count.

If you need a reminder not to ‘brush aside the waves to see the water’ you can download the image above as an A4 printable poster here.

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    1. Thanks for sharing this. I certainly need this reminder today, as today started as one of those days I detest – lunches not made, uniform not ready, ballet shoes not where they should be, hysterical screaming 2 yr old tantrums, dishes from last night still on the table etc. Fingers crossed my day improves!

      1. I’d tell you it gets better but I am pretty sure you’ve already read my post about being late where I confess that I can never get Noah to kinder on time! LOL

    2. Another ‘thank you’. I often feel guilty for having this type of feeling- it’s nice to know I’m not alone x

    3. This was us a couple weeks ago on a Friday after a busy week. I was just too tired to get up on time and the kids were tired and I knew the second I got out of bed it would be a grumpy rush to get to school on time. So I decided it wouldn’t kill us to be late. We took our time getting ready and eating breakfast, hugging goodbye and walking into school. It made the rest of the day so much more enjoyable. We can’t do that every week but to cut the family some slack like that every once in a while was such a relief!