Rules for Kids – Printable Poster

Print this free rules for kids poster. It looks great framed and is a lovely, positive, reminder to do good.

rules for kids printable poster

We don’t really have a general list rules for our kids. I guess we just expect them to be kind and the rest kinda flows from there.

But the other day, after reminding them of limit, after limit, after limit, I wondered if I should just write up a list of rules and post it on the fridge for all to see. Then perhaps I would stop sounding like a broken record! Maybe then wouldn’t have to constantly remind them to speak nicely, or ask them not climb on the furniture, or to not hit, or bite (talking about the toddler here), or whine, or leave stuff everywhere…

Then I stopped for a moment and thought about the kinds of rules I would actually make for my kids.

What do I really want my kids to remember?

How do I really want my kids to behave?

What ideals are really important for our family?

I could write up a list of things I wanted them to do or not do, and hoped that helps them remember, but I want my children to be more than just obedient. There are more important tings I want my kids to remember, than just a list of do’s and don’t’s.

So I did make a list of rules for our fridge, just not the kind of rules I thought I’d make!

Free Printable Rules for Kids Poster

What rules would you make for your kids?

You can download the printable Rules For Kids poster here.

This printable is an A4 sized pdf file, you will need a pdf reader such as adobe acrobat to open it. If you are printing on US ‘letter sized’ paper be sure to select ‘fit’ or ‘shrink to fit’ from your printer options.

Please remember that the printables at are for personal use only, you may not sell, share, or link directly to these files.

What ‘rules’ would you make for your kids?

rules for kids printable poster in a wood frame

It’s not always easy to shift from a negative mindset into a more positive approach when it comes to parenting. It’s ok to be a work in progress when it comes to being the kind of parent you want to be. Give yourself some grace, and maybe print a copy of the rules poster for yourself too.

If you are working towards being a better parent, these articles might help…


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    1. These are just my kind of rules. I Imagine that if I wrote my own they wouldn’t be all that different so thanks for doing the work for me :)

    2. Love these… but I still would totally have included “listen to mum/dad” and “respect one another”

      1. I wondered about adding something about respect… or maybe compassion, but in the end I went with kindness as I hoped that covered most things :)

        Maybe I should make a new version with everyone’s suggestions!?!

        1. Gorgeous colors and it makes the “rules” sound less “rulesy” and just like things everyone should do. (does that make sense?) I have 2 boys, how could I change the colors to more boyish colors?
          thank you for sharing!!

    3. Kate, this is lovely!! Thank you so much for sharing. I already have the perfect frame for this too :) I’ll send you a pic when I find a place to have it printed

    4. After reading this I stopped and thought for a moment, we could all live by these rules. That might be a good thing.

    5. Hi Kate, these are awesome. At Afters we always struggle with making rules with the kids, and like you I don’t want a list of dont’s, and I don’t want the kids to parrot the things they think I want to hear .. I am going to use this poster as a bit of a springboard into discussion with the kids about what our rules for Afters are going to be! I’ll let you know how I go!

    6. What a beautiful list of rules! I just finished printing an placing in a frame. I hung it above the toilet in my daughter’s bathroom (where it will get plenty of viewing time :-) Thank you for your kindness in sharing this awesome printable!!!

    7. Thank you for sharing this and putting together such wonderful words. I popped it in a cheap bright blue frame and put it up in my 5yo daughter’s room and she asks me to read it every other night : )

    8. Well, I am finding myself led to your site quite often through searches (robots +,) or through social media. I am really enjoying your blog. Guess I I’ll have to sign up for your e-mails and follow you :). I really like your “rules” and the style of your printable is wonderful. Pinning. Thanks. ~ Sheila

    9. Love this, thank you!! I thought id mention a typo I noticed in case you wanted to update it.. \”Even when you think you CAN.\” Thinking you meant CanT?

      1. Oh you had me panicked for a moment about the typo! But it actually reads ‘do hard things – even if you DON’T think you can. :)