School Holiday Sleep Out!

The school holidays are upon us, and while my girls are still trying to wrap their heads around the idea that they don’t go to school for two whole weeks… they have been quick to start making plans and begin filling up their days!

The first big school holiday event was a ‘sleep out’.

The girls have been keen on the idea of sleeping on the floor in the lounge room for a long long time. (Don’t ask me why, I have no idea!) So when I suggested that perhaps, to celebrate the start of the holidays, we could hire a few DVDs and have a sleep out, they were well pleased. Add to the excitement, some junk food for dinner, ice cream for dessert and a very bestest, beloved, friend to join them and they were in heaven!

I must say it was a really lovely night for everyone, even me!

Listening to Zoe and ‘Tannah-banana’ chatting quietly at 11:30pm while Izzy snored next to them was just lovely. I know it was late… but the fact that these three girls are still so close and still adore each other’s company despite some major changes in their lives this year brings, me such joy.

Once they went to sleep all three slept like logs till 7:30 the next morning. I snuck in to see if everyone was ok at about 5am (since I was up to pee anyway – ah the joys of pregnancy). I found Zoe sleeping entirely on the floor next to her bed, Izzy curled up side ways across her bed where her pillow should have been and Tan laying perfectly in the centre of her bed, nice and neatly, but with her head to one side, resting on the soles of Izzy’s feet.

Ah friends…. it’s ace to have friends.

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    1. Aw, lovely! Max has a cute ladybug tent and I am just dying for him to have a sleep-over in it… either with a friend or with Alex. Maybe in a few years.

    2. So Cool! Sleepovers are a big thing in our house, in fact they have a playroom sleepout almost every friday night. They get to watch some TV while in bed and love it!

    3. Sounds fun! We only ever do that in Summer when it’s too hot to sleep in the bedroom and the aircon is called for! Liam wants a sleepover party for his birthday in a couple of months though so I’ll see how well my loungeroom floor(not huge!) will accommodate 4 boys and 1 girl :D