
A few scraps is all you get today…

Firstly I have succumbed to the lire of twitter. I am not sure why or what I am exactly supposed to do with it, but it is kind of fun to play with now and then. So if you are also ‘twittering’ you can follow me at and if you think I should follow you leave me a comment with your twitter address thingy.

Flickr Friday is on at my design blog. This week’s them is Umbrellas. You can also check out my latest digi scrap design and download a matching freebie while you are there, should you be interested in that kind of thing.

The very lovely Roaming Aussie Mum tagged me for a Me Me. It is one of the few I have actually done so I’ll just link to it here, should any of you want to read what I was doing ten years ago or what I’d do if I was a billionaire.

The kids and I spent today entertaining friends and enjoying good company. The sun was actually shining this morning, the air was still (almost unheard of in this windy part of the world) and although it was chilly it was actually quite lovely outside… I could almost… almost enjoy winter if the days were all like today. But Izzy is coughing again… and coughing and coughing and coughing and we are only just over our last coughing bug so please don’t let the sick cycle be starting again – see there is another reason I don’t like winter.

And that, as they say on Gardening Australia, is ‘your blooming lot’ for today.

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