Big Questions…

So after thrilling you with my not so elegant response to the ‘duck and elephant question‘ the other day I thought I’d run yet another big questions past you guys…

This afternoon, as we got in the Big White Bus to come home Zoe asked me
“What is an end?”
I had to ask her to repeat herself because I wasn’t sure that I had heard right, and then I stumbled around a bit until I could think of something that would explain such an abstract concept…

Me – “You mean like the end of a book? or the end of a piece of string? that kind of end?”
Zoe – “Songs have ends.”
Me – “Yep songs have ends.”
Izzy – “Will the world end?”
Me – “umm… er…”
Zoe – “Will the world end when you and Daddy die?”
Me – “No the world will still be here when we die. The world doesn’t end when someone dies”

For a second I thought about adding that although the world doesn’t end when someone dies, sometimes you might feel so sand you think it will, but that would just confuse the issue even more. Keeping to the fact of the matter was the plan.. facts woman.. facts…

Me – “Do you remember when Grampy died? We were very sad but the world didn’t end did it?”
Zoe – “nope”
Izzy – “Does everything have an end??”

Ok so that stumped me… does everything have an end??

Does everything finish or end or die eventually? I mean people have an end. Nothing lasts forever does it? So did I just lie to my girls when I told them that the world won’t end?

Not that I was going to get into a deep and philosophical conversation about the world and how it might have begun and how it might end right then and there as I was doing up their seat belts. I am pretty sure they were after a few facts and some reassurance about how ‘their world’ works not ‘the world’ in general.. but it did make me think as we drove home.

Does everything have an end?

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    1. maybe its time to introduce her to the ideas behind Buddhism?

      or just put the lion king back on

      “its the circle of life”…. etc etc etc..


      Timon: [singing] Luau. If you’re hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat/ Eat my buddy Pumbaa here, ’cause he’s a tasty treat/Come on down and dine/ On this tasty swine/ All you gotta is get in line/Are you achin’…
      Pumbaa: Yup, yup, yup.
      Timon: For some bacon?
      Pumbaa: Yup, yup, yup.
      Timon: He’s a big pig.
      Pumbaa: Yup, yup.
      Timon: You can be a big pig, too. Oy.

    2. Too late – you already were in a deep philosophical conversation – no doubt unexpectedly

      At least they are always interesting

    3. Wow she is such a smartie! I dont know if your religious or not but I would say that everything has an end but God and he will be forever. And our God that is forever decides when things start and end so we never have to worry about it.

    4. I swear those those girls are going to become philosphers or at least writers. They say the most interesting thought provoking things :)

    5. Great question! :)
      I try to focus more on “changes” than endings. Or at least associate new beginnings with things that end.
      Everything doesn’t have to have an ‘end’, but yes, everything changes. When a song ends, there will be a new song to listen to. A piece of string has a start and a finish, but you can change it by tying the ends together, or cutting it into more pieces.
      When a person dies their body ‘ends’ but our world doesn’t end, our world changes.