I know that winter has really only just officially started, and that we have a fair way to go with the cold, went, stuck inside days, I know I wrote about embracing the winter and not wishing my days away but I am already well over it.
Do you read Soule Mama (if you don’t you really should)? Part me wants to take her off my bloglines because reading about berry picking and beach visits and seeing all the glorious photos with lush green grass and outdoor meals is killing me!
I don’t like the cold. I don’t like being stuck inside. I don’t like winter. The cold and wet seems to make even the simplest things harder. Getting everyone in and out of the car in the rain and mud is horrible. Even if it isn’t raining it is still too cold and wet for Muski to crawl around outside for long. I feel like my life gets put on hold while we rug up, stay put and dream of all the things we’ll do when the weather gets warmer.
I know that the grass is always greener on the other side – heck I know that our grass will never be as lush and green as the grass in Soule Mama’s photos summer or winter! I know that beach trips are not as idyllic for us as they appear to be for that gorgeous American family and I know that while we plan to go berry picking each yeah, so far we have never actually made it. Still, I so badly want winter to be over. I want to plant the veggie garden, I want to eat outside (yes even with all the flies) I want life to begin again when spring comes.
Is there some magical way to beat the Winter Blues? Do people actually enjoy winter? What is their secret? Am I doomed to sit her counting down the days until spring appears??
Stitch Sista says
I do read her beautiful blog, and I reckon she’s just got a really nice camera ;). Imagine that long snowy winter though! Trust me, after living in Canada for 7 years, you are better off with our winters!
Anyhoo I *do* like winter (I like summer too though) and at least part of that is because I hang out for *cough* footy season, but I reckon it’s super hard to have a crawler or early walker in this weather for sure. With us I just rug the kids up and boot them outside no matter what the weather (oh providing it’s not pouring which it rarely is) – but you can’t do that with a littly I know.
Spring is just around the corner though so don’t wish the time away ;).
Rach says
Maybe suss out SouleMama’s winter archives? ;) We used to really enjoy the winter before we had the boys… Weekend after weekend of trips up to the snow, Buller, Hotham, Falls Creek… Mmm! Now, well, we’re flying up to Queensland at the end of July! PMSL I know what you mean tho about getting outside. I can’t wait to be in the new house in time for Spring to let the kids run around and be free!
Mel says
No magical way to beat the winter blues here, I detest it and everything about it!
PlanningQueen says
I love Soule Mama and I hate winter with a passion too. I start to go a little mental by August craving sunlight.
Mycrazylife says
Kate, Whatever you do, don’t come to my blog! It will just depress you to see more summer photos.
I’m sorry that you are having such a hard time with the cold. I hate it too and I feel the same way you do every year. Summer is way too short and I am in a very cold area that gets a lot of snow. I would move if I could, but for now, I have to stay put. It is very depressing, especially when you are the type that needs sunshine and warmth. I hope it goes by quickly for you! Sending warmth your way!
Andrew says
we had nathan on the grass in the sun this afternoon, you just live too far south ;)
Alison (3xkewl) says
I’m not much help, sorry. I hated the cold so much I moved to Queensland.
There is plenty of room here for you to all come for a visit!
tiff says
It’s a big thumbs down for Winter here too. You know how much I hate it.
It is actually proven that more people have depression during the Winter, so winter blues is not far off. Apparently, it has something to do with the increase in viral illness and the decrease in sunshine and being shut up inside all the time. Plays havoc with your happy hormones…just some useless information for you there, Kate.