A little forward thinking and some treasures frozen into blocks of ice makes a run of super hot days a LOT more bearable.
What do you do to beat the heat?
Kate is a mum of four, with a degree in early childhood education, and many years experience as an early years teacher and parent educator.
Kate created picklebums to help parents and teachers find lots of play-based activities and printables for kids aged 2-10.
we’re about to get hit with your super-heat, I’m doing this tomorrow for the kids to play with friday (tomorrow is daycare day)
I tried this one too. We did it before Christmas and I’ve got it mentally filed away for when I’m working again.
Oh done and in the freezer :-) ta!
That is a great idea. It is winter here but that still looks fun :)
You are such a clever and fun Mum Kate. It just so happens that ‘Santa’ annoyingly put a million of those ocean creatures in the CrashKid’s stockings. What better way to arrest the migration around the house than to freeze the little suckers?!?!? Love it!
Love it! Just grabbed the polar bear, penguin and seal and they are tucked up in the freezer waiting for some hot weather tomorrow.
You seriously have the best ideas, Kate! Will keep this in mind for the next heat wave.